Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I give up, at least for now, on the goal of updating this blog on a weekly basis. If only there were a couple more hours in the day.
The past month has been SUPER busy for us as you can see from the last few posts. Lots of change happening in the Schmitt Family. We finally sold our house! The past month has been packed full of house showings, inspections, contracts, house hunting, packing, day care hunting, visitors, celebrations, stress, stress and more stress... Change is good though. We look forward to the months to come and more change for the Schmitt Family.
Thank you for visiting our blog. We look forward to hearing from our friends and family and hearing what you have been up to.
Until next promises as to when that will be :-)
Stay tuned...

Happy 4th Birthday Zack!


So sorry we can not be there will you to celebrate. We love you and miss you! Hope you have a great time at Busch Gardens with Daddy today.

Random fun

Carson's first ice cream cone...yum!
Carson in Daddy's shirt. Too cute!!

Sleeping...with the remote, of course!!!

Love it!

Potty Training

While my mom was here we went out and bought Carson's first potty.
Who knew there were so many to choose from. How cute is this one?? Check it even has a chrome handle and a place to put the toilet paper roll. It even sings a congratulatory song when you potty! Too cute!

"I am supposed to do WHAT with this Mommy???"

We thought we would begin to introduce him to the idea of it early in hopes of early success. When we sat him on it the first time, we never expected him to actually potty!!!
Sure enough...after about 5 min on the potty, Mom and I were chatting and we heard him start to pee!! Poor little guy, we started screaming and I think he got stage fright after that. We had no idea he would figure it out on the first try!
Hands off little guy.

Ok Mom, I am ready for some privacy here...

Love it!!!!!!


We finally did it! We sold our house. Yeah! We close on September 9th! We have already found a house to lease for the next year in south Austin. Daddy will no longer have a 32 mile commute to work. Now it is only an 8 mile commute!Yippee!
Our plans over the next year are to get to know south Austin and figure out where we want to buy our next home. We are so excited!!! We aren't too excited about packing up and moving again in a year, however, we had no idea if we were going to be able to sell this one or not. So this sounded like the best plan for our family.
It is definitely a bitter sweet time for us. This was our first home and many great memories were made here. But on we go...

The next Tiger Woods...

...who knows???
Our dear friends Grandma Karen and Grandpa George agreed to watch Carson while Brian and I went to look at houses. While we were away, Grandpa George introduced Carson to Golf.
Later that week, Daddy decided to forgo our evening batting practice for a golf lesson.

Carson decided he wanted a little of both so he teed up the golf ball on his baseball tee and started to take swings with his golf club. Too cute!

Ok, so maybe Carson and Tiger Woods shouldn't be used in the same sentence quite yet...but this video sure is funny!

Like father like son

You can put a toy box full of toys in front of Carson and he is drawn to a ball and bat every time!!! Many evenings in the Schmitt house are spent just like this... Even Luke participates. Usually Mommy assumes the role of throwing batting practice, Daddy is the hitting coach, and Luke is great at shagging the balls!

We thought it was time to break out the Baseball Tee that Uncle Josh bought Carson for his birthday. He is such a natural athlete. Ok, so I am biased. But I swear its true! Check it out.

This video is cleverly titled "Flip it". Enjoy!

NOTE: If there are any savy bloggers out there who can teach me how to turn this video clip right side up, I would LOVE to hear it.

Dina & Michael's Wedding Weekend

The much anticipated wedding of the year was finally here!!! Our dear friends Dina and Michael were married on August 8th. It was such a beautiful event! Congrats Dina & Michael!
Dina and Michael at the rehearsal. Doesn't the church look familiar? It is Riverbend Church where Brian and I were married almost 5 years ago!!!
The Rehearsal Dinner.

Nicole and I at the hotel getting ready for the big day!

What a beautiful bride!

What a handsome husband!!!
Brian & I would like to thank my mom who flew from Florida to spend 10 days with us. We were so worried about finding a babysitter for the entire weekend so she bought a ticket to help us out. Thanks Mom!!! We couldn't have done it without you!

Lake Travis - 2009

After a couple of years off, we finally made it out to Lake Travis for our annual Lake Travis Boat Bash. Although the lake was down over 30 feet we still managed to enjoy a few cold beverages and the customary cupcake fight. This was a very special trip for Phillip. We were celebrating with him as he just completed the Bar Exam a couple of days prior! Congrats Uncle Phillip!!!

Nothing better than a good cupcake fight. Yes, I know, we are 30 years old, but hey...gotta stay young, right?

When we got home we were greeted by this wonderful little boy. And as usual, Uncle Phillip jumped in to help feed Carson!
Our dear friend Jan watched Carson all day for us so we could enjoy a day on the lake. Thanks again Jan!!!
After dinner Carson practiced his newest skill - throwing the soccer ball over his head.

Until next year my friends....