You may ask, what is it that we do at the ranch....well, we do a little bike riding (holding a golf club and ball, of course!!!)...

We call the horses in for treats....

We pet the new pet hampster (who happened to have babies a couple days after getting them)....

And give kisses...of course!

Then its time to go out and throw rocks...what else?!?!

Pose for some cute pics...

Open the gate for the horses...

Reprimand the cactus....

Carson had a run-in with a cactus and the cactus won. No pictures of that event. Memaw and I were too busy with a pair of tweezers. Not a pretty site. But Carson was a trooper!!!

Pose for more cute pics...

Asking mommy if its a good idea to throw a rock in the horse trough...

I suggested it wasn't...

Guess who didn't listen....

Going for a walk down to the hunters' cabin....

Get some lovin' from Pepaw....

Make noises like a horse (ha, love this one!!!)....

Visit with the horses....

Kiss the horses....

That's what we do when we go to the Ranch.

Bye ya'll!