Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!!!
We have 12 weeks to go. I am hoping its more like 10 weeks. Our last OB appointment was last week and everything is looking good. The measurements for my uterus were right on track - 27 cm at 27 weeks. Looking back at Carson's baby book I was measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule at this time - 29 cm. The doctor is still being cautious and has ordered a growth scan (ultrasound) for Nov 5th. I can't complain about another chance to see our 'lil angel before she is born!
I received the results of the echocardiogram I had last week. Good news is they said their was "no significant change" from my first echocardiogram with Carson's pregnancy and this one. I will get more detailed results at my follow-up appointment scheduled for November 4th. So once again, I can officially chalk these pesky PVCs up to nothing other than pregnancy hormones!
October 14th, 2010
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:
28 weeks - 7 months (3rd Trimester!!)
- I am still feeling rather well. My energy levels have remained pretty steady. I think that they are starting to ramp down from the high of the 2nd Trimester though.
- Lots of PVCs...really no rhyme or reason as to when they come on.
- I have officially started having Braxton Hicks contractions. I mostly feel them when I am up and about. Just last night I was getting them at the Hallelujah Hoedown at our church. Brian and I were chasing Carson around quite a bit. My lower back was bothering me at the same time.
- I haven't had a crazy appetite like I did with Carson. Sometimes I have to remind myself to eat. My cravings haven't been too crazy either.
- My uterine ligaments are definitely getting more sore as they stretch. I get cramps in my lower abdomen when I stand up too fast.
Weight gain: 19 lbs total
Haley is still very active and I love it! She has learned how to kick me right where it hurts - my stretching uterine ligaments. I have cried out a few times when she has hit me in the "sweet spot".
I have not done too much preparatory work in the last couple of weeks. My mom will be here next week and I am super excited!! We will be putting Haley's nursery together while she is here. I can't wait!!! Carson is excited too. He keeps asking me to go to the airport to get Mama & Papa! I haven't broken the news to him yet that Papa isn't making this trip - its a girls only trip! I am thinking that that site of Mama and all her lovin' will be just fine for him!
My girl friends here in Austin are throwing me a baby shower this weekend and I could not be more excited about that! I can't wait to share that special day with special friends. Thanks Dina and Karen. I love ya'll to pieces!!!
Belly Shots:
28 Weeks |
And here is a comparison shot. This is me at 28 weeks.... |
And this is me one month ago at 23 weeks. |