Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All work, no play

Mommy and Daddy agree...Carson needs more play and less work.
Too cute!!!

Carson's First Tooth!!!

I can't believe it...Carson is cutting his first tooth! He has been waking up 4-5 times a night since last weekend. I assumed this is what it was...but wasn't convinced until I had the proof. I now have the proof...I felt the tooth cutting through his gums (poor guy). I'll post pics as soon as it has emerged. Our little boy is growing up.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Little ladies man

Carson had quite a weekend...his first blind date and a visit from Miss Finley!

Carson and Mommy went to the park to meet our friend Amanda Casey's little girl Eliza. Carson enjoyed his first time on the swing, but it appeared Carson was a little shy.

Amanda Gordon and her little girl Finley joined us for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Looks like Carson's blue eyes were a hit with Miss Finley. She must have a thing for younger men. Miss Finley turns 2 on Wednesday! Happy Birthday Miss Finley!!!

Pucker up Carson

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hungry Carson....

It appears Carson wasn't done with his breakfast this morning.... He wanted to lick the bowl!
Luckily I had my cell phone close by so I could capture this moment with the camera on my cell phone. No wonder he is a monster!!! He lets out a cry each time he swallows his food before I have a chance to get more food on his spoon and get it to his mouth. When he is hungry...he's hungry!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sitting pretty, standing tall

Another skill we have been working on is sitting by himself. We have learned the trick to sitting for longer periods of time. Put something in front of him that he has to lean forward to play with.

Uncle Phillip was working on his standing skills as well. This is a great picture although its an illusion. Carson was falling backward when I snapped this pic. He still likes to stand on his tip toes so we are still a little ways off from him standing completely on his own.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Rocking and Rolling

Brian and I were on the floor last Thursday evening engaging in our daily "Tummy Time" activities with Carson when he showed us what he has obviously been working on at day care. He popped up on his hands and knees and started rocking back and forth!! This was the first time we witnessed him make it to his knees. Before now it was more of a "cat stretch" position with an occasional attempt to get his knees under him.

He is a tough kid. When he gets on his hands and knees, starts to rock back and forth, he lunges forward and does a face plant. Apparently the legs are a little stronger than the arms. He is soooo close! Check out this video.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Uncle Phillip

Uncle Phillip loves his visits with Carson. He no longer wants to play with Brian & Kelly. It's ALL ABOUT CARSON ;-) Oh well, this is the way its gonna be for now on. We will get used to it I guess.
He does have the magic touch when it comes to feeding Carson. Somehow he managed to keep Carson very clean. Mommy and Daddy haven't figured that one out.
Carson thanked Uncle Phillip for not getting Bananas and Green Beans all over his "Game Day Gear".

Carson enjoyed naps with Uncle Phillip on Friday and Saturday!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Van Hook Annual Float Trip - 2008

This time last year Carson was still "cooking" and Mama and Papa Hook were so excited to welcome Baby Schmitt. This year we were warned (threatened) if we came without baby in tow were weren't welcomed...ha! As usual, we had a fantastic time and as you can see...so did Carson. Poor guy was worn out each night.

Carson absolutely loves the water...but Mommy is always cautious of too much sun. This set-up seemed to work well.

The Schmitt Family

Look at those smiles!!!

Daddy's favorite game.

What a handsome bunch.

Can't wait for next year!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our visit with the Harrison's

Carson and I braved the 5 hour drive to South Florida (from Gainesville) to visit the Harrison's and their newest addition - Baby Henry! This was my first attempt to drive longer than 1 hour with Carson by myself. With the hope that Carson would sleep most of the way, we left the house around 4:45 am. Carson slept the first 2/3rds of the way and then played by himself the rest of the way...success!!!

Carson loved visiting Hayden and Henry. I know that Hayden wished Carson would jump out of his seat and run around the house with him...maybe next time. But Hayden was a huge help feeding Carson, hunting for his lost pacifiers, and keeping him entertained while Jenni and I caught up.

Looks like Hayden REALLY likes Carson. These will definately be pulled out of the vault in about 16 years!!!

Wow, looks like poor Carson has been hidden from the sun. Poor little guy, he's white as a ghost :-)

Absolutley precious! It only took about 10 pictures to get them all looking at the camera and not crying...although Carson is on the verge of tears here.

Mommy and Baby Henry...

Home sweet home...

I took Carson home for his first trip to Florida. He was so good on the plane. I was really worried about the flights. I was terribly afraid of being "that mom" on the plane with the screaming baby. I just made sure I had a full bottle each time we boarded a flight and all was well.

Great Grandma House (Nana)

Great Grandpa House (Papa 2) - Funny story about how Papa 2 got his name...when my sister's oldest daughter Alex was little she wasn't sure what to call my Grandpa. My dad (her Grandpa) is called Papa so she intelligently name him Papa 2!

Aunt Rara (Tara) and Carson

Cassie (5), Carson, and Alex (8)

Zack (3) just loved playing with Carson and all the toys Mama and Aunt Mimi (Tammy) collected for Carson's visit.

Carson claimed Gabe as his pillow.

Papa has always been so good at putting babies to sleep. Each night I handed Carson to him and he rocked him to sleep. Unfortunately the trick didn't work too well for nap time. We had the darnedest time getting him to nap while in Florida...guess he was just too excited and didn't want to miss the fun!

Carson's first visit to the University of Florida Campus. Of course I took him to the Swamp (actually both of them). This is the real Swamp (Ben Hill Griffin Stadium). Home of the fighting Gators!!!

And the "other" Swamp - the restaurant. Many, many memories were made here in college ;-) One day Carson will make his own memories here. Hopefully as a student - the debate will continue for the next 18 years. I suppose it is his choice after all. However, until then, he's a Gator! He does have orange and blue blood just like his Mommy. So I say its a given!!!