Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our visit with the Harrison's

Carson and I braved the 5 hour drive to South Florida (from Gainesville) to visit the Harrison's and their newest addition - Baby Henry! This was my first attempt to drive longer than 1 hour with Carson by myself. With the hope that Carson would sleep most of the way, we left the house around 4:45 am. Carson slept the first 2/3rds of the way and then played by himself the rest of the way...success!!!

Carson loved visiting Hayden and Henry. I know that Hayden wished Carson would jump out of his seat and run around the house with him...maybe next time. But Hayden was a huge help feeding Carson, hunting for his lost pacifiers, and keeping him entertained while Jenni and I caught up.

Looks like Hayden REALLY likes Carson. These will definately be pulled out of the vault in about 16 years!!!

Wow, looks like poor Carson has been hidden from the sun. Poor little guy, he's white as a ghost :-)

Absolutley precious! It only took about 10 pictures to get them all looking at the camera and not crying...although Carson is on the verge of tears here.

Mommy and Baby Henry...