For those moms out there trying to transition from the bottle to a sippy cup check out the Tilty Cup. My pediatrician recommended it. The idea is that the kids do not have to tilt the cup up so high to get liquid out. So far so good. This is my 3rd attempt at introducing a sippy cup. The first time was hilarious. Carson started shaking it and the water went all over his head and he started screaming. I guess the water was a little cold. The last cup had a valve and Carson was not catching on to having to "suck". I have only tried the Tilty Cup twice, but he seems to take to it more than the last 2 cups. He has been using "soft spouts" on his bottles the last couple of months instead of nipples. If this Tilty Cup doesn't catch on I may move to the hard spouts that fit on to his bottles and see if he catches on. Suggestions and tips are greatly appreciated from those moms who have "been there and done that".

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