We packed up and went to Houston to celebrate Philip's Law School Graduation -- CONGRATS PHILLIP!!! We had a fun filled weekend complete with a trip to the Houston Downtown Aquarium.
Carson and Uncle Phillip. Carson just lights up around him. I love it!
Pepaw &
Mewaw were able make the trip to join in the festivities. I believe the pic above was BEFORE Carson decided to taste
Pepaw's wine. Not sure if the wine actually made it in his mouth. It did, however, soak his clothing and he was also licking his fingers after the fact. Ha! Is this a sign of what's to come???

Here is a random photo of us waiting for the valet at the hotel Carson loves to be on his Daddy's shoulders.

Phillip & Robbie joined us for lunch. Carson LOVED the Watermelon. We still haven't found anything that he won't eat. He is a monster!!!

More please....

Our trip to the Aquarium was lots of fun. Carson was really inquisitive and enjoyed looking at the fish.

I just love it when he points at things. Just another one of those little "
Carsonisms" I don't want to forget. He points at everything.
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