Today I take you to be my husband, again. I promise to love you with a love that will respect you for you have been created in the eyes of God.

A person who’s worth is different from all others, and unique in his own sense.

I promise to love you with a love that will give you a safe place, so that you will know if there is anyplace on planet Earth that it is safe to be Brian, it is with me.

I promise to love you with a love that will always give you a commitment you can count on. A commitment that will be there, regardless which ways the winds of life are blowing.

A commitment that will transcend feelings, a commitment to be kind, patient and unselfish – to be forgiving, honest and to always seek your best in life regardless.

I promise to love you, be devoted to you, wherever our life takes us to live life out together.

I Kelly, take you Brian, to be my husband.

To have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, in joy or in sorrow, and will be true to you only.

As long as we both shall live. In this day, I recommit my life to you.
Thank you for 5 amazing years Brian. You are my best friend & my soul mate. I thank God every day for His blessing of marriage. Thank you for loving me as I am. Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving me more today than you did yesterday. Thank you for being the most amazing, loving husband and father. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you.
that brought tears to my eyes! did you write that yourself??? can i copy it and give it to mike?????!!!!!
happy anniversary!
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