We spent the weekend in Brenham, TX for our friends' Scott & Vanessa's wedding. While Daddy was hanging out with the rest of the groomsmen, Carson, Phillip, Christina and I headed to the park to ensure Carson got a good nap for the wedding. Lets just say both Carson and Phillip got a good nap that day.

Carson loved the slide. For some reason he couldn't figure out how to land feet first.

So Uncle Phillip showed him how!

This was Carson's favorite activity - the Monkey Bars!
The hanging part was fun...

But the falling part was even better!

Over, and over, and over again.

Like I said, Uncle Phillip had a good nap that day!

Uncle Phillip was teaching Carson rock climbing 101. He
wasn't quite getting the idea...

So Uncle Phillip demonstrated.

After a good nap, we made it to the wedding.
Photo Op - Take 1

Take 2 - That's better!

Oh, and I thought I would share a valuable lesson I learned this weekend.... wedding weekends and toddlers are not a good mix! Unless you are fully stocked with Caffeine, your arms are
extremely strong, and your feet don't hurt in heels. Especially when chasing after a toddler all night.
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