This was an exciting week for the Schmitt Family - will Mommy and Daddy be welcoming another son or a daughter and will Carson be a big brother to a little brother or a little sister?!?!?! The overall consensus from most was that it will be a little girl. And if you were to ask Carson, he would tell you he wanted a little sister.
Fortunately the week went by pretty fast for me. However, the morning of Friday, August 13th was a little nerve wracking for both Brian and I. We were extremely excited to know if God would bless us with another son or with a daughter. However, we were both very nervous for the Anatomic Screening portion of the ultrasound. Regardless of the sex, we just wanted a healthy baby!
Now for the exciting news....
It's a GIRL!!!!
We could not be more thrilled! When the sonographer shared the news with Brian and I, I just bawled. I think I would have bawled regardless of the news, I was just so excited to hear! This was such a different experience then with Carson when we found out when he was born. I am so glad we made that decision. We have experienced it both ways! I will never forget when I asked Brian how he felt about a girl, other than excitement, all he could think about was her wedding, prom, protecting her from boys. It was so cute! Its kind of odd hearing him do the worrying instead of me.
The remainder of the Anatomic Screening went well. It was a little nerve wracking since she could not share the results with us. With Carson's Anatomic Screening the sonographer would tell us that everything looked exactly as it should. This time the sonographer told us the doctor would review the results with us after she was done. But she did calm us and said things looked good and that she would not be saying much at all if it did not.
After the screening we had to wait a little while to see the Doctor. We could not wait to share the news and we stared making phone calls as we waited. Once we were in to see the doctor she said our baby girl looked great! She also shared with us that she is measuring in the 85th percentile for size. I thought for sure if we had a girl Mommy would get a break for this pregnancy...not so much. Carson only measured at 65% at 19 weeks. We all know what a monster he turned out to be, at birth (9lbs. 5 oz.) and counting (36 lbs)! I can't believe it, she is bigger than her brother was. Let's just hope she slows down a bit. Although the doctor is not counting on it. She has already suggested I start to restrict my carbohydrates. She suspects I had late onset Gestational Diabetes with Carson. So she will be testing me earlier and more frequently. I get to drink that lovely orange drink for our next appointment. She is also wanting me to start my regular OB visits every two weeks starting next month. Other than that, everything is great! We also talked about delivery. I told her that I plan on doing jumping jacks the week of Christmas to ensure she is delivered this year. She is also off the last week of the year and I really want her to deliver the baby. Good news is, the Doctor felt that having the baby by Christmas seems to be very realistic considering I went in to pre-term labor with Carson at 35 weeks and he was born at 37 weeks...and, she appears to be larger than Carson, so far. If I have the severe edema (swelling) and polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) like I did with Carson, we will definitely have the baby by Christmas. And most of you know that I am a planner. If I had my choice, I think December 20th sounds great to me! If all goes well, that gets us home by Christmas Eve so we can share Christmas morning at home as a family!!!
Here I am at 19 weeks.
And here I am at 19 weeks with Carson - November 2007.
Check out the same skirt. LOL!
August 13, 2010
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along
19 weeks
- Still all of the same symptoms...and a couple more.
- Restless Leg Syndrome. Bleh! Unfortunately I learned during Carson's pregnancy that this was a symptom of pregnancy. And its baaaack :-(
- An insatiable appetite!!! I can't stop eating. I can't each much at one sitting, but my appetite has definitely increased this past month. It was VERY obvious at my monthly OB visit.
- Weight gain: 10 lbs. total
I gained 8 lbs in the last month according to my weight chart at the OB visit today!!! Wow!
It's a GIRL!!!!
I feel her all the time. Brian hasn't felt her yet, but I think he will be able to soon.
We finished painting the dresser and night stand for Carson's big boy room last weekend. We will be building and painting the headboard this weekend. Then we get to put it all together and start the transition to the big boy room!
Now that we know we are having a little girl, I am sure I will start making decisions on her bedding and room decor. But I hope to not spend too much money on clothes and accessories....yet! I have friends that have recently had little girls and I plan to buy their clothes from them.
Here are some new pics of our little girl.

Here are her cute little feet.
And of course, the all important shot - girl or boy?!?!? I was told she is DEFINITELY a girl.
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