Are we there yet?!?!?
I had my regular visit with my OB this morning. My belly is still measuring right on schedule - 33cm for 33 weeks. Her heart rate was at 142. We did a super quick ultrasound to see if she is still breech and sure enough she has flipped. I knew that things felt a little different the last two weeks so I figured she had flipped. Looks like she is gearing up and getting ready for her grand entrance!
Speaking of grand entrance...we (the doctor, and everyone else :-) were thinking all along that she would likely take after her brother and be a monster. It's looking like that is not the case and thankfully I don't have any signs of the complications I had with Carson at the end that prompted the pre-term labor at 35 weeks and induction at 37 weeks. We aren't holding our breath since those complications started at 35 weeks and I am still only 33 weeks. However, we went ahead and scheduled a date for the C-Section. Unless I go into labor spontaneously or face any of the complications I did last time it looks like Miss Haley Grace may make her grand entrance on Thursday, December 30th!!!
I must say, I am very interested to see how this all pans out. With Carson, it was very much a surprise to have him so early. I had the due date stuck in my head and prepared as if that was when he was going to be born. This time, there is no telling! She isn't as big as Carson so who knows if I will go into labor spontaneously before 39 weeks. That "unknown" is a bit exciting, to be honest. I like the idea of possibly having a birth that just happens naturally. Well, as naturally as possible given that we will have another C-section. I mean "naturally" if I go into spontaneous labor before 39 weeks. Now this does throw a wrench in the planning. If she was as big as Carson was the Doctor would have been more likely to schedule her birth at 38 weeks which would have been December 23rd, right before Christmas. This would have made planning for my parents arrival and Christmas a whole lot easier. But to be honest, its all in God's plan and I am ok with that. When ever He chooses to welcome His daughter we will be more than thrilled. We can't wait to meet you Haley Grace!!!
Speaking of grand entrance...we (the doctor, and everyone else :-) were thinking all along that she would likely take after her brother and be a monster. It's looking like that is not the case and thankfully I don't have any signs of the complications I had with Carson at the end that prompted the pre-term labor at 35 weeks and induction at 37 weeks. We aren't holding our breath since those complications started at 35 weeks and I am still only 33 weeks. However, we went ahead and scheduled a date for the C-Section. Unless I go into labor spontaneously or face any of the complications I did last time it looks like Miss Haley Grace may make her grand entrance on Thursday, December 30th!!!
I must say, I am very interested to see how this all pans out. With Carson, it was very much a surprise to have him so early. I had the due date stuck in my head and prepared as if that was when he was going to be born. This time, there is no telling! She isn't as big as Carson so who knows if I will go into labor spontaneously before 39 weeks. That "unknown" is a bit exciting, to be honest. I like the idea of possibly having a birth that just happens naturally. Well, as naturally as possible given that we will have another C-section. I mean "naturally" if I go into spontaneous labor before 39 weeks. Now this does throw a wrench in the planning. If she was as big as Carson was the Doctor would have been more likely to schedule her birth at 38 weeks which would have been December 23rd, right before Christmas. This would have made planning for my parents arrival and Christmas a whole lot easier. But to be honest, its all in God's plan and I am ok with that. When ever He chooses to welcome His daughter we will be more than thrilled. We can't wait to meet you Haley Grace!!!
Carson is so excited to welcome Haley. His teachers tell me that he talks about her all the time. Sometimes he calls her Haley and other times its Grace or Haley Grace. And everything around the house seems to be Haley's. He will pull out clothes from gift bags and ooh and ahh at them and tell me they are for Baby Haley. And just yesterday he was rummaging through a bin of winter clothes I was pulling out and he held up one of my sweaters and said it was Haley's. My heart is filled with anticipation. I can't wait to give Carson a little sister to love on.
November 19th, 2010
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along:
33 weeks
- Tired, tired and more tired. I thought I had more energy this point last time. Perhaps it has something to do with having a 2 year old, facing the busiest time of the year on my projects at work, and gearing up for the holidays? You think that might have something to do with it??
- Heartburn in the morning, afternoon, evenings, pretty much every time I eat or drink. Ha!
- My appetite has definitely picked up - big time. You can probably tell by my weight gain.
- Lots of PVCs. I seem to notice them more when I am active.
- Braxton Hicks contractions, usually only when I am active.
- Emotions have subsided a bit, thankfully! A lot less tears and a lot more smiles :-)
Weight gain: 26 lbs total
Very active!! This little girl is a mover and a shaker! Last night I think I felt the full outline of her foot. It was dark and I so wish I could have seen my belly because I am sure I would have seen a foot coming out of my belly :-) She has the hiccups at least a couple times a day. She almost always has them after dinner when I am sitting on the couch with Brian catching up on our DVR'd shows. I remember Carson would always have them while I was sitting at the dinner table.
My "to do" list is getting longer and longer with out much progress being made. I have been focusing on the more stressful items first which are not baby related - getting ready for Thanksgiving, Christmas Shopping, preparing to leave work for a couple of months, etc. The major baby preparation is pretty much out of the way. But this time I am more relaxed about getting "everything" done. Who really knows what "everything" is, right? I know now that I will have my family here to help with last minute shopping, decorating, etc. I am so blessed to have that comfort!!
Belly Shots:
Yes, this is what it has come to. Shirts that are too small and track suits. My selection of shirts in my closet is dwindling and it didn't help that I haven't done laundry in a couple of days so what you see is what you get!!! And as for the track suit, that is all that is comfortable. She is sitting so much lower than Carson did that pretty much anything is uncomfortable to wear.
And now for the comparison shots...
Isn't it crazy how much lower I am carrying Haley then with Carson?
Yes, this is what it has come to. Shirts that are too small and track suits. My selection of shirts in my closet is dwindling and it didn't help that I haven't done laundry in a couple of days so what you see is what you get!!! And as for the track suit, that is all that is comfortable. She is sitting so much lower than Carson did that pretty much anything is uncomfortable to wear.
And now for the comparison shots...
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34 Weeks - Carson (March 2008) |