Thursday, November 18, 2010


I have the best husband ever!!! And not because he is the best gift giver, ever!!! I promise! Although he does put a lot of thought into his gifts, and always has. He even goes by the "Traditional Anniversary" gift guide. For example, the traditional gift for the 4th Wedding Anniversary is fruit or flowers. That year he got me a gift card for Lowes to buy flowers for our front flower bed. I had been wanting to spruce it up for fall and couldn't justify the expense. And for our 5th Anniversary last year the traditional gift was wood. My ever so thoughtful and creative husband bought me a slew of beautiful picture frames, a new decorative cross for my collection, and this great wooden decorative piece for our living room that says "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." Go ahead and say it....ahhhh. Yes, I am a darn lucky woman and I thank God for him every day. So, what does he get me this year for our 6th??? The traditional gift is candy or iron. Great timing for that one, eh? Pregnant woman + candy = a slam dunk! Of course he buys me my favorite candy to satisfy his 6 year stretch of buying a traditional gift. But then he surprised me with this...
This is the coolest thing ever and I can't believe I didn't know about it before! Its an awesome HD video camera that is super easy to use. So not only is it a gift for me, its a gift for you (Momma, Pappa, Mamaw, Memaw and Pepaw!!!) Now you are going to get more videos than you ever imagined on this blog. Yeah!!! Thanks honey, you are the best - and not because you are the best gift giver, but because you just are!!!

I couldn't help but to share my excitement! Enjoy the videos :-)