Monday, December 27, 2010

Carson's Stats - 2 years 9 months

2 Years and 9 months

Carson, you marked 2 years and 9 months of your wonderful life on December 27, 2010. You are soon going to welcome a baby sister and you could not be more excited. We are so blessed to be able to give you this gift. You have changed so much in the last 3 months and I know the coming months will be amazing. I can not wait to watch you love on your little sister.


You are now measuring 40 inches tall and 39 lbs!! You are wearing 4T/5T shirts for Fall/Winter and you are wearing 3T/4T pants since you are still fairly thin through the middle. You are long and lean! We just purchased size 10.5 - wide shoes for the winter.


Carson, you are always coming home with something new to show us that you learned at school. Lately you have been talking with your hands. You take sign language class one day a week at school. I just love it when you hold up the sign for I love you
You can say your alphabet and are working on letter recognition. Mommy and Daddy recently purchased an alphabet poster to hang in the house along with a numbers poster, 1-100. The Montessori Method teaches you first how to recognize letters by their sounds. You like to go up to your poster and point to the A and say "a-a-a apple".
The potty training is still a work in progress. You are very good at going when you wake up and many mornings you wake up with a dry diaper. You also go before and after nap time and before bed time. However there are a few accidents in between. Mommy and Daddy just need to be a bit more consistent with you and I think you will get the hang of it!


You have been a little bit more picky with your food lately but not bad by most standards. If we are persistent you will usually eat what we put in front of you. Your favorites lately have been:
Strawberry Applesauce
Mandarin Oranges
Yogurt Raisins
Green Beans
Chicken Nuggets
Chocolate Milk


You still love books as much as always. I love to watch you sit and "read" your books. There are a few that you have memorized and you read to yourself like 10 little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. The others you will usually put your own words to. You are really enjoying your Christmas Books right now. Every night we read your advent stories and I do everything I can to hold you off until after dinner. This morning you were begging for your advent story at breakfast time. And sure enough, you asked for you advent story again at lunch. Ha! Before that it was your dinosaur books that Aunt Rara (my sister Tara) sent you. Your favorites include:
How do dinosaurs eat their food?
How do dinosaurs go to bed?
The Backyardigans Tasha's Tea Party

  • Firetrucks, firetrucks, firetrucks! You are obsessed with firetrucks and ambulances. We pass by a fire station each morning on our way to school as you look to see if the firetrucks are "awake". 
  • You love to go outside and play golf with Daddy. Daddy must have his club for you to be happy so you both can hit balls back and forth. We are looking forward to getting your first set of clubs soon.
  • "Tackle Daddy" is an evening event in the Schmitt house. You and Daddy love this game. I just love to see you get down in your 3 point stance and make a run for daddy.
  • You love to get under the blanket and hide with Daddy. Once again, this is another evening event in the Schmitt house. Once under the blanket you yell for Mommy and Luke to come and find you.
  • You love music and singing. You have your favorite songs in both Mommy and Daddy's car. When Mamaw was here for Thanksgiving and she was singing songs you would yell out "like Mommy's car" when she would sing a song to you that I have on a CD in my car. Your favorites include This Little Light of Mine and what you call "Zoom over the Enemy" (I'm in the Lord's Army). Your absolute favorite in Daddy's Car is Elton John's Bennie and the Jets. You LOVE it and will sing along to it. When its over you say "do again Daddy, do again Daddy".
There isn't much that you dislike.You are getting a little more strong willed. You have your moments when you can throw a fit but your attention can be very easily diverted so you can avoid Time Out. Without fail you will always open the refrigerator upon arriving home from school each night. You will ask for milk and each and every time I tell you that you have to wait until after dinner. You always throw a fit. One of these days you will stop testing me with that one :-)  You just love milk and if I gave it to you before dinner you won't eat a good dinner.

  • You love to say your bed time prayer. You almost have it memorized. I don't ever want to forget how much you already love Jesus. 
  • You have been waiting on pins and needles to celebrate Jesus' birthday. When you see more gifts go under the tree you mention they are for baby Jesus. Anytime Christmas is mentioned you talk about
  • When asked who your best friend is you always say Daddy!! I just love that. When asked why Daddy is your best friend you say, " 'cause Daddy pay golf wit me", " 'cause tackle daddy", and so on...he will mention all the things he loves to do with you 
  • When someone says "ouch", moans, or you see a "boo boo" on them, you tell them to "be careful Mommy or be careful Daddy". Even when its you that is causing them pain. Just the other day you kicked Mommy in the tummy by accident and I said "Ouch!" You said "be careful Mommy!" I had to explain to you that it was you that needed to be careful. I tell you to be careful all the time so I am sure you picked this up from me :-)
  • You always remember who got you something. For example, Daddy bought you a new set of movies the other day with firetrucks, boats, and airplanes and you told me  "Daddy got it me". If I got you something you would say "Mommy got it me".  
  • You and I went out for hamburgers the other day and when we got home I let you sit in your recliner in the living room and your hand was resting on the arm rest with your hamburger in it. Apparently Luke thought you were offering it to him and he ate it. You screamed and cried and told me Luke at your hamburger. It was cute at the time and it still is...even weeks later!!! He has not forgotten that Luke ate his hamburger. The morning after the incident he woke up and told me as I walked into his room that Luke at his hamburger!! That was the first thing he remembered that morning. 'Til this day, if you asked him what happened to his hamburger, he will tell you "Luke ate it!"


Val, Brax and Harper said...

i am so glad we do these "stats!" they will be priceless someday. much harder to keep up w/ for two kids, but worth it!!