Haley Grace Schmitt was born on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 7:39am. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20 inches long.
My alarm was set for 3:30 am the morning of Thursday, December 30, 2010 to prepare for Haley's arrival. We had to leave the house by 5am to arrive in time to prep for our scheduled C-section at 7:30am. I did not, however, wake up at 3:30 am. I can honestly say I likely did not sleep a total of 3 hours that night after going to bed about 8:30pm. I tossed and turned and was incredibly uncomfortable. I am sure my anxiety about the pending birth had something to do with it. Shortly before 3am I smelled the coffee brewing downstairs and knew that either my mom, dad, or both were awake for the very same reason that I was. I ventured downstairs to find out for myself. I spent about 30 min chatting with my father on the patio before heading up to get ready to go. The ride to the hospital was a bit quiet. Brian is the type to hold his feelings inside and I am not but I was rather quiet myself that morning. I did ask him a few questions about how he was feeling and then I sent him a message from my cell phone on Facebook (ha!!, had to remember that one).

We arrived at the hospital and I was prepped and ready to go after meeting with the nurses, doctor and anesthesiologist. My mom and dad came in to wish me well and off I went into the OR. This experience was much different then with Carson. This time it was planned and I have to say it was wonderful, but a bit eerie at the same time.
It's show time! |
Gotta love the one size fits all "man suit". Ha! |
Once in the OR the anesthesiologist and assistant prepped me for my spinal. I was not anxious about this at all. I can remember that it was extremely cold in the ER and I was shaking. For some odd reason I was not afraid of the pain and can't remember being so with Caron either. . I have to say it was a weird experience though. Apparently he hit a nerve and it felt like a firecracker went off in my left leg. After that, all was well and I was well on my way to feeling like heaven. Soon after the spinal Dr. Oliver arrived with her cheery self, she pinched me a few times to ensure I was good and numb and then Brian arrived.
The anesthesiologist was fantastic! He asked Brian for his camera and snapped this photo of us. He and Brian talked shop (Brian's job placing doctors) and then before I knew it I heard her cry!!
They took her over to get cleaned up and I was able to move the curtain enough to see her. I kept saying, "She is so small, she is so small!" She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz which is pretty average for a baby, however, all I had to compare was her brother who was 9lbs 5oz!
Love at first sight! |
Brian left with Haley to get her measured, tested and cleaned up. It wasn't too long before they wheeled me out.
The one important thing to me was that I was with Carson when he saw his baby sister for the first time. Unfortunately I learned that morning that Carson woke up with a fever and before long it was at 103!! So my plan to introduce them was not going to happen. However, the nurses were great. They went out to get my family so they could meet us in the hallway as they were wheeling me out from recovery and Carson and my family were outside the nursery laying their eyes on Haley Grace for the first time. I was able to see Carson see his baby sister for the first time! I don't remember Carson having much of a reaction at all. He was torn between looking at me on the bed and looking at his sister. I was so happy Brian was able to take these pictures to capture the moment.
Our dear friends Karen and George (Grandma Karen and Grandpa George) were at the hospital with our parents for Haley's birth. I am so grateful they captured these pictures for me. Words aren't necessary...
Haley's sweet little hand wrapped around her Daddy's finger. |
Momma and Poppa on the phone sharing the news |
Daddy and Carson |
I just love this pic! |
Proud Daddy |
Mommy's first cuddle with her little angel baby |
Gotta love those lips! |
Proud Poppa |
Momma and Poppa |
Proud Mamaw |
Carson ensuring Mommy is ok |
Carson's stay at the hospital was short lived that morning due to his fever (otherwise completely symptom free??). This is him napping on Daddy.
Mommy and Haley |
Miss Dina (pregnant with her first and a daughter!!!) |
Mother and Daughter |
Just a little something to get to know her big brother |
The first day of Haley's life came and went so fast. I was confined to my bed for the day and so Brian took to his fatherly duties (literally, ha!) and changed all of Haley's diapers the first couple of days. We welcomed the night nurses with open arms and they took Haley to the nursery for a couple hours at a time during the night until she was ready to feed so Brian and I could get some desperately needed sleep.
Welcome to the world baby girl!!! We are so blessed...
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