Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June Rewind

We went to Chic-fil-A to celebrate the end of Carson's Spring Soccer Session with Soccer Shots. He is showing off his medal here. Of which he insists on calling his "necklace". Ha!

A rare treat, play time in the in door play area and  ice cream cone from McDonalds! Anything to beat the heat!

I could not resist purchasing their school pictures this spring. Although I certainly would have dressed them differently had I remembered picture day and I would not have slicked Carson's hair to the side as they did....but they sure do look cute!!!

If only I could get them to pose and smile like this.

Carson's "blue donut". Brian and Carson started this tradition this summer. There is a bakery not far from our house in Austin and Brian and Carson enjoy going to the bakery on Saturday mornings for "blue donuts". I love the idea since I not only get a "blue donut" myself, but I also get to sleep in!

Another blue donut morning :-)

Carson loves to shop at Randalls. He loves their car shopping carts!

I had to post a pic of our furry son, Luke. This is where you can find Luke in the 5 o'clock hour at our house as he waits for Daddy to get home from work. He paces between the back door and the kitchen window that provides a view of the garage door. Its amazing how he knows what time of day it is....

Carson dusted off his Gator chants this spring as we cheered the Gators on in the College World Series.