Saturday, July 16, 2011


 The weekend we moved to Houston good friends of ours, the Ghutzman's, offered to take Carson to the Circus so we could get unpacked. I thought it was a great idea...ONLY if I could go too!!! I REALLY wanted to experience his first time at the Circus with him. We had a GREAT time!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH Butch, Barbara and Phillip. It was amazing!!!

No Circus outing would be complete without a clown nose!!!
The view from above is the best!

 I am not sure who is having more fun - Carson or Phillip?!?!

Of course Carson loved the ladies :-)

Trying it on for size.

Thank you Ghutzman family!!!

Nope, he's not having much fun at all!!!

Not only did the Ghutzman's spoil Carson with Circus tickets, he got a hat, a spinner toy, cotton candy and much more!!!

Yummy Cotton Candy. Carson's first!

This picture says it all...