I am SOOOO excited about these photos!!! These were taken along the course. Each photo reminds me of a different point in the race and what I was thinking and feeling at that time. What an amazing way to capture and remember those feelings!!! This also allows me to share Brian's experience and see his face as he crossed the finish line. What an amazing experience!
I remember this point in time very clearly. I was about in mile 8. I had just stopped running for the first time for a water break and started to run again. I remember seeing the photographer along the side and wanted to smile to get a good photo. No smile here...but at least I am looking at the camera!

I love this picture of Brian...my guess is this is early on in the race and he is "in the zone".

This was likely taken at the 3 mile mark. There were 3 splits during the race where they recorded your times - 3 mile, 10 mile, and finish. That red and blue marker on the road recorded your pace. We wore tags on our shoes to identify us.

This is the last stretch...I can see the light and I feel no pain!!!

Doesn't look like Brian feels any pain either...

Apparently Brian and I had the same strategy... kicking it up in high gear as we finish.

By the way, the time shown above was not my actual time. That would be my time if crossed the starting line when the clock was started. My recorded time was 2 hrs 53 min and 22 sec.

By the way, the time shown above was not my actual time. That would be my time if crossed the starting line when the clock was started. My recorded time was 2 hrs 53 min and 22 sec.

For those of you that have been following our progress as we trained for this race and have cheered us along since the beginning, we really appreciate it!!!
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