We did it! Brian and I crossed the finish line at our first Half Marathon on Sunday! Wow, what an experience. Although difficult and painful, it was one of the most amazing experiences and Brian and I are so happy and proud of ourselves for accomplishing our goal. My goal was simply to cross the finish line, and that I did. I finished the race in 2 hours and 53 minutes. Brian finished well ahead of me, in 2 hours and 6 minutes, so he was there at the finish line to cheer me on. The first seven miles were surprisingly easy on me. Mile 7-10 got a little harder as the fatigue set in...but mile 10-13.1 were simply hard! Most of the last 3 miles were hills and hills were not friendly to my knees. I ran most of the race but had to walk through some of the hills at the end.
Brian ran with me the first mile of the race which was really special. After the first mile he started in at his own pace. I was surprised to learn after the race that he ran the entire race! I was so proud of him.

I am so glad it is over, my 29 (going on 60) year old knees are feeling every inch of the 13.1 miles today, but it was so worth it. For all of you out there that have run a marathon, I bow down to you. I have a new found respect for you. I wish I could say now that a Marathon is my next goal. Let's just say I haven't ruled it out, but I am definitely not committing to it yet :-)
I would like to give a big thank you to our friend Jan who was over at 5am yesterday morning to watch Carson for us so that Brian and I could do this together. We really appreciate it Jan! We couldn't have done it with out you.
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