We spent last weekend in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area visiting family and friends. Carson enjoyed his first Airhogs game! Brian's buddy, Derek Nicholson (who introduced Brian and I 8 years ago), plays for the Airhogs.

Two of the guys Brian coached at Texas State also play for the
Airhogs. This is Cody

My boys :-)

Carson and I made a trip into Dallas to meet little Miss Madeline Rose Sims. My dear friend Nicole's first born.

What a cutie! Look at all that hair.

Carson enjoyed playing with Maddie's toys.

We enjoyed a Sunday morning brunch at Mike, Jenny & Max's house (Brian's cousins). His other cousin Ben and his family and his two Aunts who live in the area joined in on the fun.
Look at these handsome fellows! From left to right, Austin (11 months), Max (3), and Carson (14 months).
We had lots of fun in the pool. Here are all the boys.

Carson and Austin practicing their swimming skills.

Carson decided he was ready for a nap...too cute!
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