Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weekend fun

Daddy was mowing the lawn this morning and it really interested Carson. He watched Daddy mow the front yard...

And then the back yard.

And then he found Mommy's tooth brush. Who knows why, but it is one of his favorite things to play with in the bathroom when Mommy is getting ready.

After our morning chores we headed out to the Round Rock Rockin' River water park for some fun in the sun.
I headed out to run some errands and came home with this pool for Carson. He crawled inside and layed down. How cute is this! Gotta love the mohawk Daddy gave Carson.

Here are a few pics from a couple of weeks ago. Carson enjoyed a Saturday afternoon playing with his water table in the back yard. I am not sure who had more fun, Daddy or Carson...

I just love these pics...I wonder what was on his mind.


Amanda said...

The toothbrush...what ever works! Very cute pics!!!