Brian, Carson and I left the house on Christmas Eve at 11 am excited to see Mama & Papa in Florida and eagerly awaiting our Christmas Eve traditions. Unbeknownst to us, we had no idea the adventure we were in for....
Our flight was to leave at 1:15. Once 1:15 had come and gone, we were told we were waiting on the flight attendants that were trying to get out of Dallas. Apparently the snow storm that the Midwest was anxiously awaiting dipped into Texas and the planes were icing up and the wind was blowing 40 mph +. As we waited and waited we watched the departure time on the board continue to slip and slip & it was finally time to board at around 4pm. After everyone was comfortably seated, the pilot announced that there was a maintenance issue (lovely) and we all needed to deplane. Finally, around 5pm we boarded again and we were on our way to Dallas, a 40 min flight. 2.5 hours later, we finally landed in Dallas after circling the airport for almost 2 hours!!! The airport was down to 1 runway due to the snow and wind (lovely). We rushed down the jetway hoping that we would reach the gate for our connecting flight (that we changed while still in Austin due to the delays). We soon realized that all the remaining flights out of Dallas had been cancelled and our Christmas Eve was to be spent in a hotel airport. Fortunately we were able to get one of the last rooms as the hotel airport. After our Christmas Eve dinner at the Fridays in Concourse C, we went to our rooms (without our luggage) and awoke the next morning to find many families sleeping in the airport on cots. It just broke our hearts! All of the airport shuttles were suspended due to the weather and the airport hotel was booked. Embarking on day 2 of our travels in the same clothes we wore the day before didn't seem quite so bad after that. Finally, we made it on a flight into Atlanta and then into Gainesville. 26 hours after our adventure began, we were finally with our family! We spent a wonderful Christmas evening with our family and of course, without our luggage. 29 hours after landing in Gainesville, we had our luggage...a small Christmas miracle.
It was certainly a Christmas to remember. Although troublesome, we were together and Carson was an absolute saint. We considered ourselves lucky!
Day 28. Path.
16 years ago
You're right...the important thing is that you were together and safe! That, my dear, would have been a DISASTER with my two kids! Carson is so easy going...what a blessing! Glad yall made it safe and were able to enjoy what was left of your Christmas day.
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