Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Carson's 1 year photos

We had Carson's 1 year photos taken and they turned out AMAZING!!! A friend of a friend of ours, Leigh Ann, took the pictures and I am sooooo very pleased with the way they turned out!!! She has such an artistic eye. Check them out below. I could not narrow down my favorites...but here are a few... Ok 22 of them. She spent almost 2 hours with us and took over 600 photos! She edited over 80 of them. So for those of you that are in the Austin area, check out her site. Please spread the word to all of your families and friends as well. She is just getting started, but as you can see, she is quite a natural. We plan to use her for ALL of our photography needs from now on.
The link is also included in my favorites on the right panel of our blog.
Now the hard part is going to be selecting which ones we want to frame and put on our walls....ugh.

Ah, looking up at his daddy.

Love this one!!! My little man is growing up.

This perfectly depicts Carson's personality. He is always happy!

And he does have a serious side as well... he tends to stare off in space at times. Oh I wish I knew what he is thinking in those moments.

He LOVES to clap!

This one will definitely be it!

These turned out exactly as I imagined, love, love these!!!

Game over! Carson was ready for his bottle and wanted nothing to do with the photo shoot. But until now, he was such the little model!!!

THANK YOU LEIGH ANN!!! You are so very gifted.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Trip to the ballpark

Carson, Brian, Josh and I went to the Texas State Bobcats Baseball game v.s. Purdue and had a great time! The Bobcats got a new stadium complete with luxury boxes! We spent the majority of the game in the luxury box which was great for Carson. Boy I wish the new stadium was around when Brian was coaching...

Looking cool in Mommy's shades.

Carson had his bat in hand for most of the game.

Josh and Carson enjoying their beverage of choice.

Once you get a bottle in Carson's hand...there is no chance of getting a smile or prying it from his hands.

Enjoying a Saturday afternoon ball game with Daddy...I have a feeling there are a lot more of these in Carson's future.

Can I play..please, please??

Say "Cheese"!

A little stroll on the field...had to show off his walking skills.

This feels like home.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Carson's 1st b-day shirts

I decided I wanted one of Carson's 1st year photos done at a baseball field. I was wondering what he should wear for those shots and I came up with this idea. I also decided he was going to wear one for his first birthday party. I knew that shirt may end up stained because we all know what he is going to do with his I decided to have 2 made so he can wear them over and over. I LOVE them!!! I found the little baseball shirts online and had them embroidered. Yeah! I am so excited. Brian didn't quite like my other idea of us wearing the same shirts for his party that said Carson's Mom and Carson's Dad on the back. Oh well...I will sneak one of those in some day! Did I mention...I love these shirts!

Spilled cereal, mohawks, spring, and dog bones...ha!

Here are a few randoms from this week....
Note to self: Do not leave the bowl of cereal and fruit (...that you have not yet stirred up. If it was stirred, it would have stuck to the bowl. I know from experience.) on Carson's high chair unattended. He will tip it over and spill it on the carpet. This was fun to clean up this morning.
Carson was home sick with the flu for a few days...while Mommy was supposed to be working, she decided to play with daddy's hair gel and give Carson a mohawk. Too fun! I wonder when his hair will start to grow? He pretty much has the same amount he was born with altough the top strands have grown a little long (as seen below :-).

I love spring...just thought I would share our little Cardinal friend in our backyard with you :-) Yipee, winter is almost over!!!

Love, love, love this one. Every morning Luke gets a bone. I decided to let Carson give Luke his bone. I was wondering if he would put it in his mouth or be reluctant to give it up. Nope! He knew exactly what to do with it. Ahhhh....