Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween - 2010

We spent Halloween this year at Uncle Josh and Miss Kelly's house. Josh's birthday happens to fall on Halloween so we were happy to celebrate with him. After some yummy burgers on the grill we headed out for an evening of tricks and treats!!!

The Schmitt Family
Gotta love the Nordsrom's bag as a trick-or-treat bag. Mommy forgot about that part of the costume :-)
The first house
I think he was getting the hang of it.
Who's having more fun here? Carson or Uncle Josh?
Everyone was trying to convince Carson to go into the haunted house. He wasn't having it.

Cute pic!!
Halloween rewind...
Carson's first Halloween - 2008
Halloween 2009

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pregnancy Update - Week 29

I had an OB visit this week. My belly is still measuring right on track - 29cm for 29 weeks. At this point in my pregnancy with Carson my belly was already measuring at least 2 weeks ahead. She reviewed the results from my echocardigram with me from a non-Cardiologists point of view. The PVCs were obviously present. And other than that, there were a few other minor irregularities. Mostly things that tend to come with pregnancy and the increased blood volume during pregnancy. Other than those, my report showed an enlarged left atrium and a few minor to moderate leaky valves. She didn't seem to be concerned about anything but was curious to hear about the enlarged left atrium. I go back for my follow up with my Cardiologist in early November and we will see what he has to say.

October 21st, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along:
29 weeks

  • Energy levels are staying pretty consistent.
  • Heartburn in the evenings.
  • My appetite has not been great. I am eating pretty normal, just not craving much. I can't eat too much at one sitting.
  • Lots of PVCs...really no rhyme or reason as to when they come on.
  •  Braxton Hicks contractions. I mostly feel them when I am up and about - walking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc. Perhaps I can use these to my advantage to cut out some of house work?!?! Ha! 
  • Very emotional... I was not really that emotional with Carson. I can hardly remember shedding a tear unless I was watching something sad. This pregnancy is totally different. I have "my days" where I cry over just about anything. Perhaps its the extra estrogen with a girl in my womb?!?!
Weight gain: 20 lbs total

Haley is still very active. She has a pattern to her activity. She is generally awake when I get up but her movements aren't too pronounced. She is usually the most active mid afternoon and just before bed time. I am curious to see if that continues after birth.

My Mom is here this week and I couldn't be more thrilled! We plan to work in the nursery. I have boxes of "baby stuff" in the garage we need to unpack and find places for in the nursery. She also brought with her most of the baby bedding and decor and my sister sent me the rest in the mail. I am so excited to get the room put together. And of course, we have a shopping trip planned!!

Belly Shots:

This was my mom's idea. Cute, eh?
This was one month ago (25 weeks).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Russ Family Vist

The Russ Family came in to visit us for the day from College Station. Megan and I enjoyed the morning at my baby shower while the men watched the 'lil ones at home. After the shower we enjoyed a beautiful afternoon while celebrating Miss Riley's 1st Birthday with her.

How cute is this 'lil couple?!?!


Uh oh....
Get used to it Carson, she will always be one step ahead of you :-)
Carson bringing Mommy a flower (aka weed). Love it!! Such a gentleman.
My attempt at a birthday cake :-)

Are you ready for this Riley?
Carson was wondering when he gets a piece.
Thank you Chris, Megan, Riley and of course Boomer for making the trip to see us!!!

Haley's Baby Shower

 My dear friends Karen and Dina threw a beautiful baby shower for me and 'lil Miss Haley.  I can not thank them enough for such a thoughtful and generous gift.

The shower was fantastic! It was a Saturday morning brunch at this adorable little bistro in Austin. It could not have been more perfect!

 How yummy does this cake look! It was a lemon rosemary cake and it was delicious! This was the first time I had ever seen Miss Haley's monogram. How sweet!!

Not only was the cake delicious, the menu was fantastic. I think I tried a little bit of everyone's plate. Ha!

 What a beautiful group of women! Thank you all for celebrating this very special occasion with me and showering our 'lil girl with beautiful gifts.
Karen and Kelly

Kelly and Dina

Nicole and Kelly

Somer, Carlie, and Christy

Amanda, Megan, and Nicole

Susan, Johana, Karen

Jan and Kelly

Nicole and Jeanne

Nicole and Kelly

Thank you ladies! I sincerely appreciate your time, travel, friendship and generosity!! I love you all!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pregnancy Update - Week 28 (3rd Trimester!!!)

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!!! 
We have 12 weeks to go. I am hoping its more like 10 weeks. Our last OB appointment was last week and everything is looking good. The measurements for my uterus were right on track - 27 cm at 27 weeks. Looking back at Carson's baby book I was measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule at this time - 29 cm. The doctor is still being cautious and has ordered a growth scan (ultrasound) for Nov 5th. I can't complain about another chance to see our 'lil angel before she is born!

I received the results of the echocardiogram I had last week. Good news is they said their was "no significant change" from my first echocardiogram with Carson's pregnancy and this one. I will get more detailed results at my follow-up appointment scheduled for November 4th. So once again, I can officially chalk these pesky PVCs up to nothing other than pregnancy hormones!
October 14th, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along:
28 weeks - 7 months (3rd Trimester!!)

  • I am still feeling rather well. My energy levels have remained pretty steady. I think that they are starting to ramp down from the high of the 2nd Trimester though. 
  • Lots of PVCs...really no rhyme or reason as to when they come on.
  •  I have officially started having Braxton Hicks contractions. I mostly feel them when I am up and about. Just last night I was getting them at the Hallelujah Hoedown at our church. Brian and I were chasing Carson around quite a bit. My lower back was bothering me at the same time.
  • I haven't had a crazy appetite like I did with Carson. Sometimes I have to remind myself to eat. My cravings haven't been too crazy either. 
  • My uterine ligaments are definitely getting more sore as they stretch. I get cramps in my lower abdomen when I stand up too fast.
Weight gain: 19 lbs total

Haley is still very active and I love it! She has learned how to kick me right where it hurts - my stretching uterine ligaments. I have cried out a few times when she has hit me in the "sweet spot".

I have not done too much preparatory work in the last couple of weeks. My mom will be here next week and I am super excited!! We will be putting Haley's nursery together while she is here. I can't wait!!! Carson is excited too. He keeps asking me to go to the airport to get Mama & Papa! I haven't broken the news to him yet that Papa isn't making this trip - its a girls only trip! I am thinking that that site of Mama and all her lovin' will be just fine for him!

My girl friends here in Austin are throwing me a baby shower this weekend and I could not be more excited about that! I can't wait to share that special day with special friends. Thanks Dina and Karen. I love ya'll to pieces!!!

Belly Shots:

28 Weeks

And here is a comparison shot. This is me at 28 weeks....
And this is me one month ago at 23 weeks.

Hallelujah Hoedown

I love Fall! I love everything about it...the cooler weather, Halloween, fun fall festivals, pumpkin patches, THANKSGIVING...and so much more. We kicked off our Fall Festivities this year at our church's Hallelujah Hoedown. Carson got to sport his Halloween costume early this year and he loved every minute of it! And he loves everything about this costume as well. And Daddy certainly wasn't complaining about it :-)

Our 'lil football player. I had to take this football away from him shortly after these pics. He was trying to kick it across the parking lot.

I LOVE petting zoos and so does Carson. He is so gentle with the animals.
Carson loves roosters so I was excited to see that they had one. He was too!
In this picture he is actually saying, "Cock-a-doodle-do" to the rooster. So stinking cute!
Carson wanted to hold the piggy but he didn't have much luck. He did chase after him snorting though :-)
Feeding the goats.
I love this pic. Carson was saying, "Hi Goat."  It was so cute :-)
For some reason  Carson thought if he sat down the ducks would come to him. No such luck. But good try honey!
This face just says it all.
After the petting zoo Carson went around and played some games so he could fill up his candy bag. As you can imagine, this was was a breeze for him.
How strong are you Carson?
Let's see...
Not sure where this move came from, but it sure is cute!
Doesn't he look like he should be on the side lines here?!?!?
This was an attempt at a posed picture. But as you can see, Carson was ready to move on to the next game.
This was pretty much the theme of the night...Daddy keeping his hands on Carson so he stayed near by and didn't cut in line.
Once again, Daddy holding on to Carson. He was ready to go!
Yup! I do exist. One of the few pics of me and Carson. I am usually behind the camera :-) I think Carson has my eyes, what do you think?? Man I love this 'lil guy!!!!