Friday, August 6, 2010

Pregnancy Update - 18 Weeks

 Week 18, only 153 days to go! Here are some not so glamorous belly shots for this week. Its hard to be glamorous these days when you are preggo, have a 2 year old, work from home, and its 101 degrees outside with a heat index of 105-108.

Yikes, this is a scary looking one. But I had to document (for my scrap booking purposes) the good 'ole rubber band trick. I am sure my daughter (or daughter-in-law) will get a kick out of this one day when I share the secret with her! Oh, and we can't look past the belly button that has completely popped out now.

Here I am at 19 weeks with Carson. I am a bit bigger, wouldn't you say?!?! 
November, 2007

I think I look like I did at 23 weeks with Carson.
December 2007

What do you think???

August 5, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
18 weeks

- Still all of the same symptoms and a couple of more.
-I used to look forward to laying in bed each night and now it has become a chore. I get indigestion every night and last night I grabbed all the pillows off the guest bed and put them in my room to keep me propped up while I fall asleep. 2 nights ago I gave Brian a forward apology for the next 5 months. If its this tough now, I am going to be moaning and groaning for 5 more months. Does it work that way?? Can I apologize in advance? If so, I am glad I did it because last night I yelled at him for no reason. I was so uncomfortable.
-My bones have started to ache. When I sit in my chair in my home office for work my hips and lower back ache. And when I lay down at night my legs and hips ache.
- I itch!!! Everywhere! My legs, my arms, my back. Typing this is making me itch even more. I never had this with Carson. But I have read about it and can now add it to my list of pregnancy symptoms due to nothing other than hormones - oh joy!
- Weight gain: Still at about 7 lbs. No weight gain in 2 weeks.

One more week!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I love that I can feel Baby Schmitty move. I just love it!!!! Brian can not feel the baby yet. I can't wait until both he and Carson can share this joy with me.

I ordered the final touches for Carson's "Big Boy" room this week. I can't wait to get them in the mail. Instead of this basketball hoop from Pottery Barn for $59 + shipping that I showed on my last post....
I found this one on for $21 + free shipping!

I also found this great baseball lamp and drawer pulls on Yeah!

I am so excited to pull it all together! We are going to paint Carson's furniture we found on Craig's List and consignment stores this weekend. As soon as the stuff from Amazon comes in, we are going to put his room together. I plan on keeping it a surprise until the room is done so it will be like Christmas morning when Carson sees it for the first time!!! I am not sure who will be more excited, Carson or Mommy!!!
As for any other preparations for the baby and the baby's arrival, I will wait to start on those when we find out the sex. If we are having a boy, I plan on keeping the same bedding for the nursery that Carson used. I still love it!
Now if we have a girl.... I am thinking about this bedding. I am not a bubble gum pink, frilly  kinda girl so I think this is a great selection.

What do you think??


Val, Brax and Harper said...

LOVE the girl bedding!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i felt like i was a month bigger with harper the entire time as well. (i think i started out bigger this time!!!)
you look great! i think it's a girl...