Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pregnancy Update - Week 37

14 days to go and I could not be more ready!!!
Our last OB appointment last Friday was uneventful (which is nice compared to this time in Carson's pregnancy!). My belly was measuring 36.5 cm, just above the average 36 cm for 36 weeks. I wasn't quite dilated to 1 cm, but more than the previous week where I wasn't dilated at all. I am curious to see where I am at this Friday. I have been a lot more uncomfortable this week. I am wondering if that discomfort is a sign of "progress".  I have also been fighting a cold or cold/allergies. Carson came down with it as well but I think mine is compounded by allergies - Cedar season has reared its ugly head. If you are a native Texan, I don't have to explain. For those that aren't Texans, cedar season is horrible!!! Every year I get what is called "Cedar Fever" which is about 2-3 weeks of feeling really bad which has always turned into a sinus and upper respiratory infection for me. I pray that isn't the case this year with a new baby. The only year I have not had Cedar Fever was when I was pregnant with Carson.
Our parents will be here next week...the count down has begun!

December 16th, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along:
37 weeks

  • Very uncomfortable. Haley has managed to give me a sore spot on the top of my uterus again. Her little bottom is trying to push its way out and it hurts like heck.
  • I spoke too soon last time about my heart burn getting better. Its back again with a vengeance. I swear it starts with the first bite of food I take.
  • My PVCs are about average.
  •  I have Braxton Hicks contractions all the time. I actually started timing my contractions a couple of times last week. They were stronger and more uncomfortable and I could feel them radiating to my lower back.
  • My arms and hands have been falling asleep, a lot! They fall asleep mostly in the night when I am laying on them or have them curled up next to me. But they also fall asleep when I am holding my cell phone to my ear or my blow dryer up. My Dr. tells me its from the increased blood volume and those different positions cut off my blood flow a bit to cause them to feel as if they are falling asleep. I have to say this has been quite annoying as of late - especially at night!
  • The swelling has been up and down. Thankfully it isn't nearly as bad as last time.
Weight gain: 30 lbs total

Christmas preparations are complete! All the gifts are purchased, packages are wrapped and those that needed to be shipped are on their way. Yeah! Haley's clothes are washed and put away. Her nursery is almost complete. I am just waiting on a few special order items and we are ready to go! I just love it! I love to sit in the rocker and look forward to the day she is in my arms. I am still working on wrapping up my to-do list at work. I have to say I am very ready to take a couple of months off. I know that this "burn out" has a lot to do with my "to-do" list being neglected. That is really the last thing I have to knock off my list. Well, I do need to pack my bag for the hospital. I have made the list though...just in case she does decide to come early, I will have my list handy for a quick packing job.
Belly Shots:
These pics were actually taken at 36 weeks and 4 days...just 3 days short of 37 weeks :-)

And here is the comparison shot - Carson's pregnancy at 37 weeks. Wow, I still can't believe how big I was. My belly was square!


Val, Brax and Harper said...

how funny! it did look square w/ carson!
you look wonderful... can't wait to see the finished nursery. and the baby!!