Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pregnancy Update - Week 31

I can not believe we are in the home stretch!!! I am ready to hold this little girl in my arms. I am super excited to meet her and just as excited to introduce Carson to her for the first time. I can not wait for that moment. 

Brian and I went to my OB appointment this week for another ultrasound. The doctor ordered another growth scan to see if she is going to follow in the footsteps of her big brother. Everything looked great on the ultrasound. She is currently in the breech position. We will see if she stays that way and if it presents any issues later on. She is taking after her brother in some ways.... her head is measuring in the 85th percentile and her belly is in the 80th. Her legs, however, were closer to average. So, she may be more like Mommy for her height. Overall she is measuring in the 70th percentile. Hopefully she will stay on that track and we will have a chubby little 8lb baby...instead of a 9.5lb monster. Regardless of how big she is, we can't wait!!!

I had my follow-up with the Cardiologist and he explained the irregularities in my echocardiogram. Most can be chalked up to pregnancy. He did note, however, that it appears my left atrium has enlarged a bit from my last echo during Carson's pregnancy. It could be "shadows" or the difference in measurements due to new measurement standards recently released. There was nothing overly concerning to him so we are going to repeat the echocardiagram this spring after the Haley is born and my body is back to normal after pregnancy.
Haley's sweet 'lil face.

November 5th, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along:
31 weeks

  • Energy levels are starting to dip. I am not yet back at the point where I can't get through the day without thinking about a nap, however, I am definitely ready for bed when Carson goes down.
  • Heartburn in the morning, afternoon, evenings, pretty much every time I eat or drink. Ha!.
  • My appetite has not been great. I am eating pretty normal, just not craving much. I can't eat too much at one sitting.
  • Lots of PVCs. I seem to notice them more when I am active.
  •  Braxton Hicks contractions usually only when I am active.
  • Very emotional.
Weight gain: 21 lbs total

Haley is still very active. She has managed to bruise my uterus right at the top. It is sensitive to the touch and of course when she hits that spot just right. Unfortunately this will have to be just another thing to endure as my OB said its not likely to heal due to her activity and her continued growth. 

I haven't done too much in the last couple of weeks. My mom and I started a project when she was here to make the letters that hang above her bed spelling out her name. I am really pleased with how they are turning out. I finally finished painting them this week and now I just have to glue them on and hang them on the wall.

I need to start making a list of "must do's" before she arrives. I am procrastinating on that a bit since the thought of how much we have to do scares me. I know we will get it done...well, hopefully :-)

Belly Shots: