Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pregnancy Update - 16 weeks

I am a little behind in getting this post up since I will be 17 weeks tomorrow :-) These pics are from last week, so we will call this the 16 week update.

July 22, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
16 weeks

- Pretty much the same symptoms as the last couple of weeks and a few more!
-My sciatica is back :-( I can't remember if it was in my left or right leg last time. But this time its in my left. It comes and goes but when I am having a bout of it, it hurts to step on or move my left leg or hip in different ways. It's not too terrible, but I am sure Brian gets tired of hearing "Ouch" all day long
- I am starting to get a touch of indigestion at night. It was just when I was laying down and on my right side, but now I get it sitting up as well. I take one tums each evening and that seems to help.
- I started to get lower back pain last week. It is especially prevalent during the day while I am sitting at my desk.
-Forgetfulness. I am a forgetful person as it is. I would like to think its because I constantly have 101 things going on. But I do find myself using my scheduler on my phone more often these days.
-Headaches. I get a headache almost every afternoon. Usually they aren't too bad, they are just bothersome.
- Weight gain: 7 lbs., up 2 pounds in the last week (gasp!).

2.5 more weeks until we find out and I couldn't be more excited!! I find it so funny that I feel completely different this time around then I did with Carson. There was no part of me that wanted to know his gender. But this time, I can't wait! I am starting to have a feeling that its a girl. Its just a hunch. Regardless of the gender, we are all very excited. Having a girl would be great and so would having a little brother for Carson. If I had to choose, I don't think I could.

I think I am definitely feeling movement. When I think I feel something, I sit still and try to concentrate to see if I can feel it again. That usually doesn't work though. Or at least my attention span these days is so short that once I sit still, I start thinking about something else. 

-Sleeping is not getting any easier and I know it won't for a LONG time. Its hard to get comfortable. I can't find my maternity pillow. I am sure its in one of 30+ Rubbermaid storage bins that fill our garage. Brian's body pillow has been doing the trick for now. My poor mom doesn't know it yet, but when she comes for a visit in October I have plans for the two of us to dig out every last bin so we can set up and organize the nursery.
-I had to get up 4 times last night. I weighed myself before I went to sleep and when I woke up. I weighed 4 lbs less in the morning!!! Why can't I do that during the day instead of at night!!!

I am a planner by nature. It's a great characteristic but also an annoying one at times. I can remember when I first got pregnant and I calculated my due date, a flood of anxiety rushed through my head. Christmas!!! What are we going to do?!?! We don't have room in our house for everyone! My nieces and nephew will be without their grandparents on Christmas for the first time. Do we have room for our family, my parents, Brian's parent's and a new baby?!?!? I was told not to worry about that, so I won't...for now. But I have been doing my fair share of planning. I have cleaned out both Carson's closet and the guest room closet in preparation to turn the guest room into Carson's big boy room. We hope to get that done in the next month so Carson has plenty of time to decide when he is ready to transition to his big boy room. I don't want Carson to feel as if he has been kicked out of his room when the baby comes. I want this transition time for him to be special. I also want the nursery to be a special place that we can go and talk about the new baby that is coming. 

Here is the bedding that I ordered for Carson's big boy room. I love it!!
When it came it the mail I put the quilt on Carson's bed to show him and he jumped up on the bed and squealed so loud! It was adorable!!! He was rolling around on it until I told him we had to put it back in the bag and he had a meltdown. I can't wait to put his room together!!! I found a great dresser on Craig's List that we are going to paint navy blue. I have my eye on a Pottery Barn nightstand that I saw at a furniture consignment shop. It was a bit pricey so I am going to go back this weekend with hopes that it is still there and the price has been reduced. I would also love to buy this Pottery Barn Kids basketball hoop for his wall...if I can find a cheaper version of it.
We also plan to make the headboard. I have a vision of it in my head that includes wainscoting....wish us luck!!

Here are a few before pics of the room (ignore the missing bed skirt and curtains that I never got around to finding after the move). The rooms in our rental house are a bit tight. Hopefully our new house will have bigger rooms because I have a lot of other ideas for Carson's room in the near future.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Carson's first day of school

We enrolled Carson in Montessori School and today was his first day! We have been talking to him about it all week to prepare him. We took him by the school last week so he can meet his teachers and his new friends. He walked around the classroom with such amazement. There was so much to do and see. He said hi to the birds and the fish and then he went out to play on the playground for a little while.

This morning Carson and I prepared his nap mat, lunch box and back pack and we were off (after a few pictures of course)!

I figured Carson may have a little anxiety when I left. And I was right. He started to cry as the teacher whisked him away to the playground and politely told me to leave.  What I didn't prepare for were my tears!!! I was choking them back as I drove away. Thankfully the teacher suggested I pick him up after lunch on his first day. The countdown has begun...2 hrs and 27 minutes to go!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Blog post marathon

Are you ready for a blog post marathon? Ready or not, here it comes. I got on a roll today tonight and I think I am going to pay for is desperately tomorrow. I just hope Carson takes a nice long nap so Mommy can as well considering its about 3.5 hrs past my bed time!!!

We hope you enjoy catching up with us. As always, we would love to hear how you are doing as well.


The Schmitt Family

P.S. Be sure to click on Older Posts link at the end of the page...all of my updates won't show up on the same screen :-(

Pregnancy Update - 15 weeks

I went for my regular 4 week OB visit today. Everything looks great! The heartbeat was 138 bpm today. Next visit we hope to find out the gender - August 13th!!!! Yeah! We keep asking Carson if he wants a brother or a sister. We quickly learned that he will tell you the last word he hears. If you say "Brother or Sister" he will say sister. And if you flip it, "Sister or Brother", he will say brother. I am not sure he gets the concept of brother or sister yet. What he does understand is that there is a baby in Mommy's belly. But almost always he will ask if Daddy or Luke has one as well. He is so cute when we talk about the baby in Mommy's belly. He always lifts my shirt up to see my belly and will give it a sweet kiss. Just yesterday I was desperately trying to get some shut-eye on the couch and I told him that the baby was sleeping and we had to be quiet. He then raised his finger to his mouth and whispered " nite nite". The melted my heart!!!

Here are some pics of the brother to be!!!
Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
15 weeks

- Getting a little sleepier again
- Lovely acne - yuck!!
-Food aversions seem to be completely gone. 
- I am drinking a half-a-gallon of chocolate milk a week
- I have been craving Port Wine cheese spread on Melba Toast
- Loving the Smoked Lox and Cream cheese on a toasted Everything bagel with tomato. I stop off at Einstein's Bagels after each Doctor's appt. Oh, and I also get a peach and mango muffin
- The back pain is definitely back!
- It's official, my belly button has popped out! I can now see the little freckle I have in my belly button I discovered with Carson's pregnancy :-)

We find out next visit - August 13th!!! Most people are telling me girl. But I think that is really because we already have a boy. I don't have a "feeling" per say, but if I had to guess I would say girl since this pregnancy has been so different than with Carson.

I still think I might be feeling some movement. I am trying my best to think about feeling it when I am sitting or lying still. But when I get that still and quiet, I usually fall asleep!

-Sleeping is harder these days. Its hard to get comfortable and I plan to unpack the maternity pillow this weekend!!! I am now getting up 3+ times a night to go to the bathroom, oh joy!

Here I am at 15 weeks with Carson - October 2007.

Visit with Laura

My dear friend and college roommate Laura came for an impromptu visit from Ft. Lauderdale and we absolutely loved having her here! I am doing my best to convince her the Austin, Texas should be her new home!!!

Carson loved having her here!

They played lots of basketball.

I couldn't pick out my favorite of these. Looks like Carson is having an awful time, doesn't it?!?!

We took Laura to a few of Austin's favorite spots and of course one of them was the Zilker Park Train! Where else would be go?!?!

Alex and Patricia Ybarra - July 10, 2010

Brian and I were honored to stand up for Alex and Tricia on their wedding day - July 10, 2010. Alex is a childhood friend of Brian's from Kerrville. We had a blast catching up with old friends. Mamaw came in town to spend the week with Carson so we could get away for the weekend and not have to worry about toting a 2 year old around at all the wedding festivities. Thank you Mamaw!!!

Our dear friends Chris and Megan Russ with their adorable little girl Riley!!
Brian and Alex

The beautiful bride and groom.

The Kerrville Boys. What a handsome bunch!!!

Pregnancy Update - 14 weeks

Yeah! We are finally past the first trimester (13 weeks)!!! And now I am supposed to start feeling better and having less fatigue. Right and wrong. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
14 weeks

- Fatigue but not as bad as it has been. I don't feel like I have to lay down for a nap mid-day, although I would love to if I am able.
-I am certainly feeling better and eat almost anything now. I am not a fan of many meats, but other than that I think the food aversions are finally a thing of the past!! 
- My back is getting a little more fatigued and sore these days. I have a pesky pain in the middle/right side of my back. The same place that I got the pain with Carson that caused me to see a Chiropractor 3 times a week for the last 3 months!! I pray this is not yet another early symptom this time around.
- I have started to feel the heart palpitations that sent me to the Cardiologist with Carson's pregnancy. They were pretty frequent for a week or so and seem to have slowed down a bit.

Maternity Clothes:
-Still wearing my dresses. 
-I am officially into my maternity clothes. I wear mostly maternity tops and the skirts. The maternity pants/shorts are still a little baggy for my taste. Considering I work from home my wardrobe doesn't have to be spectacular.

I think I might be feeling some movement. I can't quite tell if its the baby or if its my tummy rumbling.

-Sleep is getting a little more uncomfortable. 
- I love to sleep on my belly and that is now a thing of the past. 
- It is getting more uncomfortable to lay flat on my back. I can feel the weight of my uterus on my lower back.  
- I wake up on average 1-2 times a night to go to the bathroom. 
- Bedtime is still around 8pm.

Here are couple of random 14 week photos. The first is from Alex and Tricia's wedding on July 10th! I bought this bridesmaids dress before I knew I was pregnant. Thankfully it still fit...barely!!

Here is a pic from my cell phone at the request of my mother :-) She wanted to see how my belly was growing. Since I am just now getting around to posting on my blog, this had to do.

San Antonio Zoo

June 26, 2010

Uncle Phillip came to town to visit us Carson and we all packed up and went to the zoo!

 Monkeys and more monkeys.

Brushing a goat in the petting zoo.
A real Alligator!!!

Doing the Gator Chomp while saying "Go Gators!!!"

Uncle Phillip and Carson on the train.


All Carson could talk about for days after the Zoo trip was that train. Not the monkeys, the alligator, the elephants...the TRAIN!!!

Father's Day 2010

June 20, 2010

Carson and I enjoyed making Daddy's Father's Day card and cake together!

Pregnancy Update - 11 weeks

June 18, 2010

We had our final 2 week visit this week. We will now go back to a regular OB schedule of once every 4 weeks. I will definitely miss the regular ultrasounds but at least I know now that everything is going as planned and the baby looks great! 

We decide to wait to tell most of our friends and family until the last couple of weeks. By now, most everyone is expecting the Schmitt Family's newest addition! Although the due date is January 6th, 2011, this baby will be born in 2010. Since we already had a C-Section due to complications with Carson's pregnancy we opted to do a repeat C-section as we felt that was the best decision for us. So, given that we can schedule a C-Section at 39 weeks, this baby will either be born on New Year's Eve or earlier. My doctor is betting on the week of Christmas. We will see!!! God could  not bless us with a better gift to honor His son's birth.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
11 weeks

- Fatigue
- Still feeling pretty icky with Morning, afternoon and evening sickness/nausea 
- Eating is getting a little easier
- My chocolate milk craving is back!!!

Maternity Clothes:
Dresses, dresses and more dresses. I can wear most of my non-maternity summer dresses. I also have a couple of maternity dresses that I am now wearing. Now that its 95+ degrees everyday, the less clothing I wear, the better. So the sun dresses work perfectly! I have one last pair of shorts that sit low enough on my hips that I can wear if I unbutton them when I sit down.

None yet.

I am still sleeping pretty good. I wake up on average 1-2 times a night to go to the bathroom. Bedtime is still around 8pm.

I don't have any recent pictures of the belly for this post, however, this is where I was at 11 weeks with Carson. I have a 9 week comparison photo for you to imagine that I am definitely bigger this time at 11 weeks!

September 2007

June 4th, 2010