Friday, February 27, 2009

11 Month Stats

I simply can not believe that Carson will be a year old in just one month!!! Wow, what a year it has been.
Our friend Valerie Hill does such a wonderful job of capturing her son Brax's monthly statistics on her blog that I just have to give it a try. Thanks for the idea Val! I only wish I started doing this much earlier. I didn't realize how hard it would be to remember some of these things. I started working on Carson's baby book a few months ago and haven't touched it since. Had I started capturing this information earlier, updating his baby book would have been much easier.

My guess is that he is between 30 and 31 inches tall. He was 29 inches at his 9 month check-up (86th percentile on the growth charts). I know he has grown since then because his 12 month footed PJs are pulling on his neck. Time to retire those :-) He is weighing in a 26.2 pounds (97th percentile). He has been following the 97th percentile curve pretty much since birth! He has 6 teeth. 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. His last 2 teeth to come in were his middle two teeth and they came in the first of the year.

Carson is always happy. He is definitely the favorite at daycare and makes everyone smile and laugh. Many times he is being passed around from teacher to teacher in all of the classes. They love him! I can't tell you how many times I have heard the question, " Is he always this happy?" I hope this lasts forever...

Carson's vocabulary is still pretty limited. His first word was Momma. When we were in Florida last September, my friend Jenni heard him same some version of Momma and she told me then, he was definitely saying Momma! He has since perfected it. Especially in the wee hours of the morning when he calls for me from his crib, "Momma, Momma..." is spoken very clearly. His second word he learned within the last couple of months was Baba for his bottle. He doesn't say it all the time, but he will when prompted occasionally. And his latest addition to his vocabulary is Aye which I understand is a combination of Hi and Bye. See the "New Tricks" section below.

Carson's favorite trick up until the last couple of weeks has been to clap. Carson loves to clap, all the time! He would wake up clapping and his last stitch effort before falling asleep at night would be to clap. Lately, his new trick is to wave. We have been working on that skill and just in the last week or two he has perfected it. The wave isn't the bending of the hand kind of wave, it is a full arm, back and forth type motion. I can't wait to catch it on the video camera. It is so cute, he will even combine his wave with the word "Aye". He waves to EVERYONE. Just yesterday Brian took him to the grocery store and he said he waved to everyone as they walked by his cart. And the day before, Carson and I walked in the house from daycare and Carson waved to our dog, Luke. Soo cute...I love it!!! He has also started to dance anytime he hears music. He likes to dance in his crib when I put music on in his room. Just the other day we were in bed hanging out, before our 6 am alarm (why do we even set an alarm when we have a human alarm clock??), and then Brian's alarm went off and Carson started dancing to the music of the alarm. Too cute! Now, anytime he hears music, he starts to bend his knees and do his cute little baby dance :-)

Carson will eat ANYTHING if it is pureed. But he is still having trouble adjusting to table foods. He hates new textures. He loves his Gerber Graduates Fruit Puffs and Yogurt Melts. His all time favorite is Animal Crackers. Why do they call them crackers anyway? Aren't they really cookies? And just lately we have discovered that he loves pizza...imagine that. We are still working on introducing new table foods. I tried chicken nuggets with ketchup the other day. Don't all kids love chicken nuggets? Nope, no luck.

Carson still loves remote controls and cell phones...ha! You can have any kind of toy imaginable around him and he will still go for the remote control and cell phone. Just recently my sister Tara brought Carson a couple of books and he hasn't put them down since. We are still trying to get him to sit still while reading him books, but he does love to sit and turn the pages on his own tempo. He does love his baseball bat. Occasionally he will play with the tee it came with, but most of the time he just like to bang the bat on anything that will make noise.


Carson has enjoyed walks in his stroller since birth. He still, on occasion, will hold one leg out straight and the other bent as we walk down the side walk. He started doing that when we switched to the umbrella stroller that my sisters got me for an early Christmas gift last fall. Not sure why he does it. He loves to play in the kitchen when I am cooking dinner. I will let him play in the tupperware cabinet which will generally keep him occupied until I am done cooking. He also loves to climb up the stairs with Daddy's help. Just yesterday he climbed up the entire stair case all by himself. Ugh, I hate our stairs...but I guess he needs to learn sooner than later, right?


Carson usually wakes up between 5 and 5:30 and half the time we can get him back to sleep after bringing him in to bed with us until 6. The other half of the time he just wants to crawl all over us and hit our faces or pull our hair. He will eat breakfast right away - usually cereal mixed with fruit. At this time we say goodbye to Daddy as he leaves for work. If Mommy doesn't need to start work early we will usually play for 30 minutes before getting ready for work/school. Then we will walk down to daycare, which is at the end of our street, in the stroller. Carson gets a mid morning snack around 9 am which consists of a 8 ounce bottle and a small handful of finger snacks (animal crackers or cheerios). On a good day Carson will nap after his morning snack (occasionally at daycare, always at home). He HATES to miss anything! Lunch is around noon (4.5 ounce stage 3 meal) and his afternoon snack is around 3 pm (8 ounce bottle and finger snacks - cheese and crackers, cheerios, etc). His afternoon nap will generally fall after his afternoon snack. I usually get Carson between 5 and 5:30 and we come home to get dinner started. He will eat dinner between 5:30 and 6 (Stage 3 meal and fruit or whatever new table food we are trying) and bedtime is between 7 and 7:30.


He HATES to have his nose wiped. But who likes that anyway. As I have already noted, he hates new foods with new textures. Check out an earlier post - trying Gerber Meat Sticks for the first time. He hates to take naps when we have guests over. He will fight sleep to no end. He just doesn't want to miss out! He isn't a fan of riding in his car seat unless someone is in the back seat with him entertaining him. I can understand this because we aren't in the car very much. Very rarely will we get in the car during the week because we walk back and forth to daycare.


My favorites from this month include when he waved to the kids on the playground and said "Aye" as we were walking home from daycare. It was so cute, he sat up and looked over at the playground and reached outside his stroller and waved. Of course I loved when he danced to music of Daddy's cell phone alarm. And finally, when he waived to our dog Luke when we walked in the house from daycare.


All of them...

Thanks Val for such a great idea!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bad Morning

I was so excited March was right around the corner so Carson could wear his first St. Patty's Day shirt that our friends Nicole and David Sims got him for an early b-day present. However, the morning's photo session didn't go quite as I expected. I did get one decent shot. The rest...well, you can see the results below.

This face is my favorite...

Nope...this isn't a smile.

Luke wanted to join in on the fun.

Breakfast wasn't any better. I guess he didn't like the new Gerber Fruit Snacks I got him.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kids Today Magazine Cover

My sister Tara, her husband Jon, and their company - The Babies Room were featured on the cover of this month's Kids Today magazine! What is even cooler is that the magazine came out just days before they flew to Texas to attend the Kids Today conference in San Antonio!
Check out the online article. I am so proud!!
How cute are their new Chocolate Lab puppies, Whiskey and Brownie, that their kids got for Christmas this year??? You think they have a full house??? 3 kids under the age of 8 and 2 puppies!!

Aunt Rara and Uncle Jon's visit

My Aunt Rara (Tara - Mommy's sister) and Uncle Jon came to Texas for a short visit with us before heading off to a conference in San Antonio.
See the resemblance?

Showing off my new walking skills for Aunt Rara.

Reading my new Tickle Monster Book with Daddy that Aunt Rara brought me.

Fun with Uncle Jon.

Fun with Aunt Rara.

February Fun!

This month I had lots of fun! My Great Aunt Jean (my Grandma House's sister) and Great Uncle David from Illinois came for a short visit on their way down to Corpus Christi for vacation.

They took us to the Salt Lick for dinner. Yum, yum!!!

Fun with tupperware....again!

Look! I can see through this one and I can put it on my head!

Carson discovered the toilet paper roll.... I knew he was going to discover it sooner than later.

No pictures Mommy!
Ok, I will pose for you...
Until next time...

Carson's Valentine for Daddy

Ok, so this is probably Mommy's way of giving Daddy a cheesy Valentine's Day card that she just couldn't resist....
Too cute!!!
Ok, all done Mommy...

Half Marathon Photos

I am SOOOO excited about these photos!!! These were taken along the course. Each photo reminds me of a different point in the race and what I was thinking and feeling at that time. What an amazing way to capture and remember those feelings!!! This also allows me to share Brian's experience and see his face as he crossed the finish line. What an amazing experience!
I remember this point in time very clearly. I was about in mile 8. I had just stopped running for the first time for a water break and started to run again. I remember seeing the photographer along the side and wanted to smile to get a good photo. No smile here...but at least I am looking at the camera!
I love this picture of guess is this is early on in the race and he is "in the zone".

This was likely taken at the 3 mile mark. There were 3 splits during the race where they recorded your times - 3 mile, 10 mile, and finish. That red and blue marker on the road recorded your pace. We wore tags on our shoes to identify us.

This is the last stretch...I can see the light and I feel no pain!!!
Doesn't look like Brian feels any pain either...
Apparently Brian and I had the same strategy... kicking it up in high gear as we finish.
Yeah! I finished! What you don't see are the tears in my eyes. This was such an emotional experience for me. Little did I know at this very minute Brian was just steps away on the side line cheering me on. As soon as I saw him behind the fence I went to him sobbing and got a big hug!
By the way, the time shown above was not my actual time. That would be my time if crossed the starting line when the clock was started. My recorded time was 2 hrs 53 min and 22 sec.
Yeah! I finished! What you don't see are the tears in my eyes. This was such an emotional experience for me. Little did I know at this very minute Brian was just steps away on the side line cheering me on. As soon as I saw him behind the fence I went to him sobbing and got a big hug!
By the way, the time shown above was not my actual time. That would be my time if crossed the starting line when the clock was started. My recorded time was 2 hrs 53 min and 22 sec.

Gotta love the fanny pack! Ha, someone had to carry the camera, cell phone & keys!

Brian accomplished his goal of completing the race with out walking. His official time was 2 hrs 6 min and 11 sec.

For those of you that have been following our progress as we trained for this race and have cheered us along since the beginning, we really appreciate it!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

We did it!

We did it! Brian and I crossed the finish line at our first Half Marathon on Sunday! Wow, what an experience. Although difficult and painful, it was one of the most amazing experiences and Brian and I are so happy and proud of ourselves for accomplishing our goal. My goal was simply to cross the finish line, and that I did. I finished the race in 2 hours and 53 minutes. Brian finished well ahead of me, in 2 hours and 6 minutes, so he was there at the finish line to cheer me on. The first seven miles were surprisingly easy on me. Mile 7-10 got a little harder as the fatigue set in...but mile 10-13.1 were simply hard! Most of the last 3 miles were hills and hills were not friendly to my knees. I ran most of the race but had to walk through some of the hills at the end.

Brian ran with me the first mile of the race which was really special. After the first mile he started in at his own pace. I was surprised to learn after the race that he ran the entire race! I was so proud of him.

Here are a few shots of Congress Ave before the race. There were over 14,000 people who ran the Marathon and Half Marathon. The energy was amazing. We were so proud to be a part of it!

We did it!!!

I am so glad it is over, my 29 (going on 60) year old knees are feeling every inch of the 13.1 miles today, but it was so worth it. For all of you out there that have run a marathon, I bow down to you. I have a new found respect for you. I wish I could say now that a Marathon is my next goal. Let's just say I haven't ruled it out, but I am definitely not committing to it yet :-)

I would like to give a big thank you to our friend Jan who was over at 5am yesterday morning to watch Carson for us so that Brian and I could do this together. We really appreciate it Jan! We couldn't have done it with out you.