Saturday, April 30, 2011

Haley's Stats - 4 Months

We have settled into a new routine as a family quite well. Daddy and I feel we have the perfect little family and we could not be happier! You are also the light in your brother’s eye. He just adores you!! You have been doing really well adjusting to daycare. The ladies just love you and you love them too!

You didn't have a well check this month, so I am not sure how much you weigh. But you are still a little one as compared to your brother. You are are still wearing 3-6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper. You are still wearing your newborn shoes and even some of those are big on you! You have such little feet.

Unfortunately you have taken on the path that your brother did and you have had a few minor illnesses and ear infections. Both your pediatrician and ENT felt it was best to not prolong the inevitable and you got tubes put in your ears on April 18th. Your brother had surgery the same day to have his Adenoids removed, his ear tubes removed and to have balloon sinuplasty. Unfortunately his sinus/ear troubles are still in the cards. You and Carson did beautifully and we are hoping you are both on the road to recovery.

You are still a very easy baby and still love to sleep and eat. You have been more interactive with us and will grab just about anything put in front of you. You still love to “people” watch and will now follow someone across the room with your eyes. You hardly ever cry except when there is something you want or need. You are easily soothed.

You are still a very good sleeper. You still prefer to sleep in your swing during the day, even when at daycare. The ladies are trying to get you used to the crib, but I am afraid I initiated that bad habit.  When its time for bed time you still like to be swaddled tightly in your Miracle Blanket and laid down. We can lay you down awake and you put yourself to sleep. You sleep in the co-sleeper next to Mommy's side of the bed. You are consistently sleeping 5-6 hours the first stretch and then 3 hours at a time there after. It is very rare that you wake more than once a night to feed.

You are still a wonderful eater. You have nursed extremely well from birth. You no longer have any issues with taking a bottle and you don’t seem to have a bottle preference anymore either. I am still pumping milk during the day while you are at school.

3-4 am: Nurse, burp and diaper change. And right down to sleep again. This usually takes about 30 min.
6-7 am: Nurse, burp and diaper change. We all get up and get ready for the day. You move from the co-sleeper to the swing when we head downstairs for breakfast.
7:45 -8:15 am:  We leave for school. You are at school, with your brother, from 8:30am-5pm. You have been eating 3-5 ounces 3-4 times a day at school. You nap off and on all day. You have not yet developed a consistent eating/napping routine yet. I am sure that will come soon.
5-6:30 pm:  Mommy or Daddy will pick you and your brother up from school. You usually nap on the way home and stay asleep, most days, until after dinner is ready which is great! If you don't stay asleep I put you in your Bumbo seat so you can watch Mommy prepare dinner. We eat dinner as a family every night. You stay in your Bumbo seat and sit and watch us eat. It is so cute!!
6:30-7:30 pm:  This is our family play time, bath time and bed time. We usually play together as a family. We will go outside and watch Daddy and Carson hit golf balls, baseballs or play catch. Sometimes we sit and watch a baseball game, play puzzles or any other sporting activity your Daddy and brother are into at the time. You usually enjoy time on your play mats as well. Carson loves to have Tummy Time with you.  Then its time for bath time and bed time.
7:30-9:30pm: You fall asleep each night as you nurse (around 7:30) and sometimes will stay in Mommy's arms until after Carson goes to bed. Daddy and I will sit and watch our favorite DVRed shows. Then its off to bed for all of us. Once you feed for the last time around 9-9:30, you usually stay asleep for a good 5-6 hours. Yeah!!

Moments/Things I Don't Want to Forget
  • You love taking baths with your brother. You get so excited and just splash and play.
  • You still love your play mat and will stay entertained for longer periods of time
  • You were introduced to the exercauser this month and I think this is going to be your favorite! We wrapped you with a blanket to keep you from rolling around in it.
  • You can now hold toys very well and you love those that rattle and make noise. Of course EVERYTHING goes into your mouth.
  • Carson loves to do tummy time with you. He is always asking for tummy time and will put the blanket on the floor so Mommy will out you down with him.
  • We took our first trip to the ranch this month for Easter. You did so well in the car and at the ranch. I think you are going to be a good traveler.
Haley and her first purse.

Daddy's little girl.

Watching big brother's soccer practice.

Loving your new adventures in your exercauser.

Carson and Haley preparing for surgery.

Haley resting after surgery in Mamaw's arms.


Watching a movie with your big brother.

This would be a great "name that photo" contest.

Cute 'lil bum!

Friday, April 29, 2011

April Rewind

I am soooo behind on blogging. Here it is August already and I am just now posting about April. Ha! Let's see if I can remember back that far!

Carson was working hard on his potty training this month, hence the string of photos with his skivvies on :-) Too cute, I must say. However, these photos weren't about the skivvies, yet his blossoming athletic prowess. 

Carson has always enjoyed hitting golf balls. Daddy bought him a real golf club to practice with!

Daddy has also been working with Carson on pitching from the stretch. Love it!!!
Carson has recently been favoring the catcher's position. I love watching him pretend, without a glove or ball, just as the catcher's do on TV. He will squat, catch, go to his knees and throw back the mound. So cute!
Haley and Carson both had a big month in that they both had surgery on April 18th. Haley had ear tubes put in after multiple ear infections, already, at the age of 3.5 months! Our big guy had his taken out, as they had not yet fallen out after his were put in at 5 months. He also had his adenoids removed and balloon sinuplasty due to his chronic sinusitis. Poor guy.... Good news is, the picture below was taken only hours after his surgery!!! He bounced back super quick and was outside playing golf and watering his tomato plant! Bad news is the ENT confirmed both kiddos have similar sinus anatomy that is conducive to these types of chronic infections. So let's hope this does it for the both of them and they can stay well.

Note: Carson was officially potty trained this month!!! He woke up after surgery and suddenly had the desire to go #2 on the potty!!! Who knows how and why the "switch" flipped, but it did! Yipee!

Uncle Phillip came for a visit!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Fun was had by all this Easter! We ventured out to Pepa's ranch for Haley's first road trip and it was a success!

Carson dying Easter eggs for the first time.

Emily and Daniele enjoying the Easter egg dying festivities.
Too cute!
I love the color of Easter eggs!
Carson had so much fun!

Daddy and Haley, Pepa and Daniel relaxing and watching the coals for dinner.
Gotta love Carson's Easter morning attire: Spiderman PJ top and Transformers Boxer Briefs. Nope, I am not the "gotta buy fun holiday PJs kind of Mom", should I be?? It does make for good pics :-)
I just love the innocence of a child. Especially on holidays!!

Hmmm what else is in there?!?!
There is something in my egg Mommy!
Add caption

Carson helping Daddy with Haley's first Easter basket.

Easter egg hunts are always so much fun!!
Where are they Carson??

Look Mommy, I found one!
And there are jelly beans in this one!

Wish I could say that I got adorable Easter pictures with Carson and Haley...but I can't. I had every intention to do so. I brought an adorable pink satin dress for Haley. But it turned out to be drizzly that morning and she never made it into her dress. Keep an eye out for her 5 month pics and you will see her Easter dress.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Family Portraits

I found an awesome deal on LivingSocial and we opted to get family portraits done in April to mark Carson's 3rd Birthday. I think they turned out great!!! Let's just hope they can make it in frames and up on the wall before they graduate high school.