Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pregnancy Update - 16 weeks

I am a little behind in getting this post up since I will be 17 weeks tomorrow :-) These pics are from last week, so we will call this the 16 week update.

July 22, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
16 weeks

- Pretty much the same symptoms as the last couple of weeks and a few more!
-My sciatica is back :-( I can't remember if it was in my left or right leg last time. But this time its in my left. It comes and goes but when I am having a bout of it, it hurts to step on or move my left leg or hip in different ways. It's not too terrible, but I am sure Brian gets tired of hearing "Ouch" all day long
- I am starting to get a touch of indigestion at night. It was just when I was laying down and on my right side, but now I get it sitting up as well. I take one tums each evening and that seems to help.
- I started to get lower back pain last week. It is especially prevalent during the day while I am sitting at my desk.
-Forgetfulness. I am a forgetful person as it is. I would like to think its because I constantly have 101 things going on. But I do find myself using my scheduler on my phone more often these days.
-Headaches. I get a headache almost every afternoon. Usually they aren't too bad, they are just bothersome.
- Weight gain: 7 lbs., up 2 pounds in the last week (gasp!).

2.5 more weeks until we find out and I couldn't be more excited!! I find it so funny that I feel completely different this time around then I did with Carson. There was no part of me that wanted to know his gender. But this time, I can't wait! I am starting to have a feeling that its a girl. Its just a hunch. Regardless of the gender, we are all very excited. Having a girl would be great and so would having a little brother for Carson. If I had to choose, I don't think I could.

I think I am definitely feeling movement. When I think I feel something, I sit still and try to concentrate to see if I can feel it again. That usually doesn't work though. Or at least my attention span these days is so short that once I sit still, I start thinking about something else. 

-Sleeping is not getting any easier and I know it won't for a LONG time. Its hard to get comfortable. I can't find my maternity pillow. I am sure its in one of 30+ Rubbermaid storage bins that fill our garage. Brian's body pillow has been doing the trick for now. My poor mom doesn't know it yet, but when she comes for a visit in October I have plans for the two of us to dig out every last bin so we can set up and organize the nursery.
-I had to get up 4 times last night. I weighed myself before I went to sleep and when I woke up. I weighed 4 lbs less in the morning!!! Why can't I do that during the day instead of at night!!!

I am a planner by nature. It's a great characteristic but also an annoying one at times. I can remember when I first got pregnant and I calculated my due date, a flood of anxiety rushed through my head. Christmas!!! What are we going to do?!?! We don't have room in our house for everyone! My nieces and nephew will be without their grandparents on Christmas for the first time. Do we have room for our family, my parents, Brian's parent's and a new baby?!?!? I was told not to worry about that, so I won't...for now. But I have been doing my fair share of planning. I have cleaned out both Carson's closet and the guest room closet in preparation to turn the guest room into Carson's big boy room. We hope to get that done in the next month so Carson has plenty of time to decide when he is ready to transition to his big boy room. I don't want Carson to feel as if he has been kicked out of his room when the baby comes. I want this transition time for him to be special. I also want the nursery to be a special place that we can go and talk about the new baby that is coming. 

Here is the bedding that I ordered for Carson's big boy room. I love it!!
When it came it the mail I put the quilt on Carson's bed to show him and he jumped up on the bed and squealed so loud! It was adorable!!! He was rolling around on it until I told him we had to put it back in the bag and he had a meltdown. I can't wait to put his room together!!! I found a great dresser on Craig's List that we are going to paint navy blue. I have my eye on a Pottery Barn nightstand that I saw at a furniture consignment shop. It was a bit pricey so I am going to go back this weekend with hopes that it is still there and the price has been reduced. I would also love to buy this Pottery Barn Kids basketball hoop for his wall...if I can find a cheaper version of it.
We also plan to make the headboard. I have a vision of it in my head that includes wainscoting....wish us luck!!

Here are a few before pics of the room (ignore the missing bed skirt and curtains that I never got around to finding after the move). The rooms in our rental house are a bit tight. Hopefully our new house will have bigger rooms because I have a lot of other ideas for Carson's room in the near future.


Amanda said...