Friday, July 16, 2010

Pregnancy Update - 14 weeks

Yeah! We are finally past the first trimester (13 weeks)!!! And now I am supposed to start feeling better and having less fatigue. Right and wrong. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
14 weeks

- Fatigue but not as bad as it has been. I don't feel like I have to lay down for a nap mid-day, although I would love to if I am able.
-I am certainly feeling better and eat almost anything now. I am not a fan of many meats, but other than that I think the food aversions are finally a thing of the past!! 
- My back is getting a little more fatigued and sore these days. I have a pesky pain in the middle/right side of my back. The same place that I got the pain with Carson that caused me to see a Chiropractor 3 times a week for the last 3 months!! I pray this is not yet another early symptom this time around.
- I have started to feel the heart palpitations that sent me to the Cardiologist with Carson's pregnancy. They were pretty frequent for a week or so and seem to have slowed down a bit.

Maternity Clothes:
-Still wearing my dresses. 
-I am officially into my maternity clothes. I wear mostly maternity tops and the skirts. The maternity pants/shorts are still a little baggy for my taste. Considering I work from home my wardrobe doesn't have to be spectacular.

I think I might be feeling some movement. I can't quite tell if its the baby or if its my tummy rumbling.

-Sleep is getting a little more uncomfortable. 
- I love to sleep on my belly and that is now a thing of the past. 
- It is getting more uncomfortable to lay flat on my back. I can feel the weight of my uterus on my lower back.  
- I wake up on average 1-2 times a night to go to the bathroom. 
- Bedtime is still around 8pm.

Here are couple of random 14 week photos. The first is from Alex and Tricia's wedding on July 10th! I bought this bridesmaids dress before I knew I was pregnant. Thankfully it still fit...barely!!

Here is a pic from my cell phone at the request of my mother :-) She wanted to see how my belly was growing. Since I am just now getting around to posting on my blog, this had to do.