Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pregnancy Update - Week 38

December 23rd, 2010
 7 days to go !!!
Our final OB appointment was today. My belly was measuring 38 cm. My doctor didn't feel the need to check my cervix. We are scheduled for the 30th and we are ready when and if she decides to come early. I am feeling pretty good and ready to get this show on the road. I am, however, very happy that we have a scheduled C-section. I am looking forward to a very special Christmas with Carson and his grandparents and would like for that not to be interrupted by Haley's birth. However, I know that its all in God's plan and that gives me peace.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along:
38 weeks

  • I have been less uncomfortable this week. Perhaps its the excitement of our parents' arrival and Christmas.
  • Heart burn is still very much present.
  • My PVCs are less noticeable.
  •  I have Braxton Hicks contractions all the time and they are more pronounced. I don't feel pain with them, just a bit of discomfort.
  • My arms and hands have been falling asleep, a lot! They fall asleep mostly in the night when I am laying on them or have them curled up next to me. But they also fall asleep when I am holding my cell phone to my ear or my blow dryer up. My Dr. tells me its from the increased blood volume and those different positions cut off my blood flow a bit to cause them to feel as if they are falling asleep. I have to say this has been quite annoying as of late - especially at night!
  • The swelling has been up and down. Thankfully it isn't nearly as bad as last time.
Weight gain: 33 lbs total

I have yet to pack my bag for the hospital. Crazy eh? I am now convinced that she isn't coming until the 30th so my subconscious mind feels like its a waste to pack a bag so early and have to "live" out of it for a week. 
We are all set for Christmas and are looking forward to a very special celebration. 
I have a small list of wish list items for my parents to help me with in the few days after Christmas and before her birth to keep us busy. 

Belly Shots: