Sunday, January 30, 2011

Haley's Stats - 1 Month

One Month

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart ..."
Jeremiah 1:5

Wow! I can not believe you are one month old!  You have changed so much in your short life so far. Each new day has brought us so much joy.

We went to your one month check up and I was absolutely shocked at how big you were. My guess going into the appointment was that you were approaching or just over 9lbs. I thought for sure you were going to take after your Mommy, however, I might be wrong. Only time will tell. You may just be a wonderful combination of Mommy and Daddy. However big or small you will be, you are perfect!

You weighed 10 lbs and 7 oz and were in the 80th percentile (up from the 55th percentile at 2 wks) . You gained 2 lbs and 3 oz in just two short weeks!

You measured 21.5 inches and were in the 75th percentile (up from the 55th percentile at 2 wks). You grew 1.5 inches in 2 weeks!!!

Each  month I plan to take pictures next to your "Haley Snuggie" (shown above). I got this idea from our friend Valerie (Thx Val!). This will provide a wonderful visual each month of how much you have grown.

Your head measured 37.6 cm and were in the 80th percentile (down from the 85th percentile at 2 wks). This is up from 36.5 cm at 2 weeks.

You are fitting into 0-3 month clothes quite nicely now. For some reason I thought I would get once last chance to put you in your newborn clothes before I realized how much you have grown. The outfit in your one month photos above are newborn. Ha! I promise that is the last time I will do that to you. It certainly shows that you have grown :-) You are also wearing size 1 diapers now.

You have incredible head control. You have held your head up almost since birth. You turn your head from side to side during tummy time. You love your hands. I love the way you clutch your hands. You have even folded them together with your fingers entwined. Just last night you were napping on your tummy and you had the side of your hand in your mouth. It was so cute!

Your temperament has changed quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. You are still a very easy baby (as compared to your brother at this age). Thanks to the help of friends and family that have visited we are starting to learn your preferences. You are beginning to get a bit more vocal. You cry when you are too hot or too cold. You cry when you start to get sleepy. You don't like the hiccups. You cry when you get your diaper changed (unless we are using warmed baby wipes). You absolutely love to lay on your belly (just like your brother!) Your "witching hour" is generally in the 5-9 pm time frame. Unfortunately this is Daddy's time with you. 

You are still a very good sleeper (our "angel baby"). Thankfully it appears you know the difference between day time naps and night sleep. When its time for bed time you like to be swaddled tightly in your Miracle Blanket and laid down. We can lay you down awake and you put yourself to sleep. You sleep in the co-sleeper next to Mommy's side of the bed with the assistance of the noise maker. Your preference is the sound of the heartbeat. This puts Mommy right to sleep as well :-)

You are still a wonderful eater. Yeah! This is quite apparent in the 2 lbs 3oz weight gain in 2 weeks!!! You have nursed extremely well from birth. This was one of my greatest anxieties since your brother did not nurse well and was mainly on a formula diet from day one. I realized then how important nursing was for me and I prayed that you would nurse well. I love this time with you. It just you and me baby girl... I started pumping a couple of weeks ago to ensure you have everything you need and to increase my supply. So far so good! We just might have to buy a deep freezer! Ha! Thank goodness for the 2nd refrigerator/freezer in the garage. I am pumping on average of 3-5 times a day, depending on our schedule for the day.

I know that a daily routine is still hard to come by at this point as it will continue to change. And it will soon change when I go back to work. So far, you are pretty consistent which is wonderful. 

12-1 am: Nurse, burp and diaper change. And right down to sleep again. This usually takes about 30 min.
3-4 am: Nurse, burp and diaper change. And right down to sleep again.
6-7 am:  Nurse, burp and diaper change. And right down to sleep again. Mommy, Daddy and Carson get up and get ready for the day. You move from the co-sleeper to the swing when we head downstairs for breakfast and to get Carson ready for school.
9-10 am:  Up for the day. Nurse, burp, bath and ready for the day. You are usually awake for a short period and then go down for a morning nap.
12-1 pm:  Lunch time.
3-4 pm: You have been snacking quite a bit in the afternoons lately. You will usually start "snacking" at this point and will want to nurse again in 60-90 min. I am working on getting you to take a pacifier at this time to curb the snacking. 
5-7 pm:  Dinner time and fussy time :-) We try to entertain you with tummy time and play time with Carson to curb your fussiness at this time. Sometimes we are successful and other times, not :-)
7-9 pm:  One last feed before bed time. You are changed for bed, swaddled and laid down in your co-sleeper. Mommy usually finds herself getting ready for bed between 8:30-9 pm as well.
10-11 pm:  Depending on when you went down for bed (and how many times you "snacked" before bed time) you will wake and eat or skip this feed and wake for your 12-1 am feed. This is usually the longest stretch of sleep which is nice. You will usually sleep 4-5 hours before you wake to feed again. Love it!!!

Moments I Don't Want to Forget
I know all too well how quickly infancy goes by. I want to do my best to try and slow it down and embrace it all.
  • I absolutely love all your noises. You grunt like a little piggy. You generally grunt when you are snuggled and are starting to wake before you feed at night. You start grunting softly and the volume begins to raise before you start to cry.
  • You will squeak like a little mouse. You squeak off and on when you sleep and when you stretch. 
  • I love watching your little mouth and the faces that you make. You have discovered your tongue and will move it around in your mouth, in and out, as you lay on your back and explore what is around you. Your legs and arms are usually moving all over the place which always makes it difficult to take a good picture :-)
  • I love watching Carson with you. Just yesterday I was nursing you on the couch and Carson was snuggling up next to us. As he was focused on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse he gently tapped on your head as you were nursing. Oh so cute!
  • Carson loves to help burp you. He is so gentle. In fact, he loves to try and help with everything. It is pretty funny when he tries to help Mommy while I am pumping. Ha! He knows how to turn the pump on and off.
  • You shed your first tears this past week. Tears just tug at my heart strings. To this day, my heart still aches when your big brother cries...even when he is having a fit. I just hate tears.
Carson loves being on the floor and playing with Haley

She is so active its hard to snap a photo. She is "striking a pose" here.

I just love this sweet 'lil outfit.
Gotta love the yawn pics
Sleeping beauty
  My dear friend and college roommate Jenni came for a visit and we had a fantastic time!

Carson loves to hold his baby sister
Do they look alike?
Every shot I have of Carson kissing her lately she is whaling. Ha! I am sure she will loves this as a teenager.
 Jerold and Jo joined us for dinner again this past weekend. 

Carson loves playing with his stickers. And yes, we all had stickers on our face as well :-)
I just love, love this outfit! This was a splurge of mine that I found at Neiman Marcus Last Call. Although the original price was $60+ I got it for $19.

All dressed up and ready to go to Girls' Nite
 Every month a group of ladies here in Austin get together for Girls' Nite. We just celebrated our 10th anniversary of Girls' Nite. Yeah! This time we had a "make your own personal pizza night" at Dina's house. We all brought different fixins' for pizzas. Yum!

Haley's First Girls' Nite

Jenni, Haley and Kelly

Kelly, Haley and Carlie

Christy, Kelly and Haley

Andriel, Kelly and Haley

Kelly, Haley and Dina ( 6 mo preggo with her 'lil angel, Athina - yeah!)

Haley and Jeanne

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Haley's stats - 3 weeks

Baby girl, you are 3 weeks old today!  It's hard to imagine life without you. We are all working hard at adjusting to be a family of four. But I can guarantee, we love it! This week has been a little challenging though. Both your brother and I battled a nasty cold last week and this week we both are on antibiotics for sinus infections...yuck! Carson has been home with us all week. 

You are still living up to your "angel baby" nickname. You are sleeping wonderfully well both during the day and at night. You continue to enjoy your swaddle blanket at night with your arms tucked in nice and tight.  You have been feeding much more frequently during the day, sometimes as often as every 75-90 minutes. This is a bit tough to get used to, especially since you are still refusing to take a bottle :-) Let's just say its very difficult to make plans or to get much done around the house. However, I enjoy every moment staring into your angelic little face. 

We have had a week full of wonderful visitors. There are so many people who have loved you since before you were born and they have been eager to meet you.

We enjoyed a wonderful evening with Jerold, Johana and Luke on Saturday night.

Jerold,  Johana and Haley
Luke and Haley
The Gordon Family came for a visit on Sunday. 

Finley, Amanda and Haley
Amanda and Haley
Brian and Haley
Kelly, Amanda and Haley
Grandma Karen and her grand kids Trinity, Shelby and Austin came by for a visit.
Austin reading to Carson

Trinity and Haley

Shelby and Haley
Grandma Karen and Haley

Aunt Rara (Tara) flew in from Florida this week.

Aunt Rara and Haley

Aunt Rara and Haley
Aunt Rara saying goodbye to Carson. He was not interested in taking a photo :-(
Aunt Rara saying goodbye to Haley

Here are a few random shots from the week...

Carson joining Haley in Tummy Time
Love the hands!

Snoozing on the couch
We went for our first walk this week.

Walking with Luke

A photo shoot

Trying on hats
Angel Baby