Carson had his 6 month check-up today. He is still in the 97th percentile for his weight...weighing in at a whopping 21 lbs 13 ounces. He is in the 85th percentile for his height at 27.5 inches. And finally (this one is for is for you Amanda) he is in the 97th percentile for his head at 47 cm :-) Although he remains at the top of the charts, he is following the same growth pattern he has had since day 1. He's gonna be a big boy!
Going in to this morning's appointment I was so concerned I was feeding Carson too much. Actually, this has been a concern all along. The doctor has once again calmed my fears...Carson is just a big boy and will require more food. All is well...he loves to eat and I love to feed him! Its now time to introduce finger foods such as veggie puffs, pinwheels, and teething biscuits as well as a sippy cup. Fun! Fun!
My little monkey was all over the place when the doctor was examining him. He just wanted to show off his new skills :-) Finally she gave him a tongue depressor to chew on to distract him so she could finish the exam.
Our little Monkey
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