Sunday, January 11, 2009

9 Month Update

I can't believe Carson is already 9 months old! Actually, he is in his 3rd week of his 9th month to be exact. I am a little behind in blogging. We have had a REALLY busy month. The good news is that we had a lot of fun traveling and seeing both of our families for Christmas in Florida and Lubbock. The bad news is that Carson was sick for most of it. After multiple visits to both his pediatrician and Ears, Nose, and Throat specialist, x-rays and CT scans...he was diagnosed with a severe Sinus Infection and Brochiolitus. After 6 weeks of illness, 7 days of breathing treatments and 3 weeks of antibiotics, Carson is finally healthy. Yeah! Obviously we were concerned that Carson was not getting better and seemed to pick up every little virus that came his way, we are comforted to now know that it is likely that Carson had a sinus infection that never cleared up which caused his immune system to be susceptible to everything. Our fingers are crossed that 2009 will be a healthy one for out little guy.
Carson is tracking to his usual growth pattern. At 9 months he was 25 lbs. (95th percentile) and 29 inches long (75th percentile). He is really enjoying being on the move! In early December Carson learned to pull himself to a stand. He now enjoys being on his feet and cruising. He has yet to take an unsupported step. However, that is in the near future, I am sure. He loves to walk while holding your hands. His new favorite gesture is to clap his hands. He opens one fist and closes the other to clap. He loves it! He also loves to make different noises and will imitate almost any noise you make (other than words). He does, however, say Mama. It really pulls at my heart strings in the middle of the night when I see him, from the monitor in our room, standing up in the crib crying "Mama, Mama...". He is doing really well at night, however, he does wake up on average once a night crying out for us. Once he gets back to sleep, he is good to go for the night. We are very fortunate that he gets a full 12 hours each night, usually only waking once.
We are hoping that the next couple of months slow down a little for us. Traveling and the holidays can be quite exhausting. We are looking forward to welcoming Mamma and Papa from Florida in March for their yearly trek to Texas and planning Carson's first brithday coming up in March. Stay tuned!

Here are a few of my favorite pics from this month...
Posing for a few pics in the backyard. I love these!

Carson was really good with his breathing treatments. He was such a good sport!


Val, Brax and Harper said...

i enjoyed the update! his belly button looks great! and i love the pics of him crawling in the backyard. you sure were amazing to do all that traveling over the holidays... i am way too high strung to handle that--or maybe i'm just lazy? ha ha
anyway, thanks for sharing pics! i'm glad carson is feeling well again.