What is up with men and the remote control??? Do they come out of the womb with that innate desire to have control of the remote at all time?? Carson is obsessed with it! We actually took the batteries out of one of our remotes so he could play with it but he is no fool....he prefers the ones that actually work!

I love this expression on his face. It is so cute when he purses his lips together (even more than is shown here) when he is deep in thought. And then those cute little chubby fingers pushing the buttons.

This one is his favorite, can you tell? I think because it has colorful buttons on it. Now that I think about, we should think about investing in a Universal remote. We now have 4 remotes that control the TV, Cable Box, DVD/Surround Sound box, and now the
Blu Ray remote. Ugh!
Hmmm...what happens if I hit the remote with this bat?
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