Thursday, July 30, 2009

Has another month gone by???

I blinked and July has gone by... How did that happen?
I had really hoped to be able to keep the blog up to date on a weekly basis but the past month has been super busy. But what's new? I am finally up to date on the blog. Check out the new posts below.
With lots of traveling, keeping our house in tip top shape to sell it (nope, no luck yet), and dealing with 7 days of the flu for Carson and I...we are ready for a slow down. We'll see what will be in store for us in the fall. We are desperately looking for some cooler weather. I think we have only had 2-3 days under 100 degrees this month. And finally, finally it rained today. Just enough to wet the grass.
My mom is coming to town for a 10 day visit next week. We are SUPER excited for that. Yeah! Thanks Mom, we can't wait to see you.
Until next time, we hope all is well with you.
The Schmitt Family