Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Potty Training

While my mom was here we went out and bought Carson's first potty.
Who knew there were so many to choose from. How cute is this one?? Check it even has a chrome handle and a place to put the toilet paper roll. It even sings a congratulatory song when you potty! Too cute!

"I am supposed to do WHAT with this Mommy???"

We thought we would begin to introduce him to the idea of it early in hopes of early success. When we sat him on it the first time, we never expected him to actually potty!!!
Sure enough...after about 5 min on the potty, Mom and I were chatting and we heard him start to pee!! Poor little guy, we started screaming and I think he got stage fright after that. We had no idea he would figure it out on the first try!
Hands off little guy.

Ok Mom, I am ready for some privacy here...

Love it!!!!!!