Monday, July 19, 2010

Carson's first day of school

We enrolled Carson in Montessori School and today was his first day! We have been talking to him about it all week to prepare him. We took him by the school last week so he can meet his teachers and his new friends. He walked around the classroom with such amazement. There was so much to do and see. He said hi to the birds and the fish and then he went out to play on the playground for a little while.

This morning Carson and I prepared his nap mat, lunch box and back pack and we were off (after a few pictures of course)!

I figured Carson may have a little anxiety when I left. And I was right. He started to cry as the teacher whisked him away to the playground and politely told me to leave.  What I didn't prepare for were my tears!!! I was choking them back as I drove away. Thankfully the teacher suggested I pick him up after lunch on his first day. The countdown has begun...2 hrs and 27 minutes to go!!!


Brandi Lowe said...

Kelly - I love Montessori! Of course, every school is different and depends largely on the teachers there. I used to teach Montessori for a couple of years before Carter was born and then Carter went to Montessori school for 4 years. The Montessori philosophy is so wonderful. I hope this school is great for him! You know, as a teacher, I got to see the kids cry when the parents left. The kids almost always stopped crying the moment they realized that mom or dad couldn't see them anymore. Then they were fine. I'd say about 99.9% of the time this happened. I'm glad I got to experience that before I had kids because then I realized how it worked. It was much easier for me to leave Carter when I had to. I bet Carson had a great time and it was probably a lot more stressful for you than it was for him!