Friday, July 16, 2010

Pregnancy Update - 15 weeks

I went for my regular 4 week OB visit today. Everything looks great! The heartbeat was 138 bpm today. Next visit we hope to find out the gender - August 13th!!!! Yeah! We keep asking Carson if he wants a brother or a sister. We quickly learned that he will tell you the last word he hears. If you say "Brother or Sister" he will say sister. And if you flip it, "Sister or Brother", he will say brother. I am not sure he gets the concept of brother or sister yet. What he does understand is that there is a baby in Mommy's belly. But almost always he will ask if Daddy or Luke has one as well. He is so cute when we talk about the baby in Mommy's belly. He always lifts my shirt up to see my belly and will give it a sweet kiss. Just yesterday I was desperately trying to get some shut-eye on the couch and I told him that the baby was sleeping and we had to be quiet. He then raised his finger to his mouth and whispered " nite nite". The melted my heart!!!

Here are some pics of the brother to be!!!
Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along
15 weeks

- Getting a little sleepier again
- Lovely acne - yuck!!
-Food aversions seem to be completely gone. 
- I am drinking a half-a-gallon of chocolate milk a week
- I have been craving Port Wine cheese spread on Melba Toast
- Loving the Smoked Lox and Cream cheese on a toasted Everything bagel with tomato. I stop off at Einstein's Bagels after each Doctor's appt. Oh, and I also get a peach and mango muffin
- The back pain is definitely back!
- It's official, my belly button has popped out! I can now see the little freckle I have in my belly button I discovered with Carson's pregnancy :-)

We find out next visit - August 13th!!! Most people are telling me girl. But I think that is really because we already have a boy. I don't have a "feeling" per say, but if I had to guess I would say girl since this pregnancy has been so different than with Carson.

I still think I might be feeling some movement. I am trying my best to think about feeling it when I am sitting or lying still. But when I get that still and quiet, I usually fall asleep!

-Sleeping is harder these days. Its hard to get comfortable and I plan to unpack the maternity pillow this weekend!!! I am now getting up 3+ times a night to go to the bathroom, oh joy!

Here I am at 15 weeks with Carson - October 2007.


Val, Brax and Harper said...

haven't had time to try and get your posting problem figured out...
but i was reading your posts and wanted to offer a suggestion for your prego acne--i had it bad too and what worked wonders for me was skinceuticals phytocorrective gel. it's not cheap--like $60 for an ounce--but a little goes a long way (it usually lasts me at least 6 months) and it worked wonders!