Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hallelujah Hoedown

I love Fall! I love everything about it...the cooler weather, Halloween, fun fall festivals, pumpkin patches, THANKSGIVING...and so much more. We kicked off our Fall Festivities this year at our church's Hallelujah Hoedown. Carson got to sport his Halloween costume early this year and he loved every minute of it! And he loves everything about this costume as well. And Daddy certainly wasn't complaining about it :-)

Our 'lil football player. I had to take this football away from him shortly after these pics. He was trying to kick it across the parking lot.

I LOVE petting zoos and so does Carson. He is so gentle with the animals.
Carson loves roosters so I was excited to see that they had one. He was too!
In this picture he is actually saying, "Cock-a-doodle-do" to the rooster. So stinking cute!
Carson wanted to hold the piggy but he didn't have much luck. He did chase after him snorting though :-)
Feeding the goats.
I love this pic. Carson was saying, "Hi Goat."  It was so cute :-)
For some reason  Carson thought if he sat down the ducks would come to him. No such luck. But good try honey!
This face just says it all.
After the petting zoo Carson went around and played some games so he could fill up his candy bag. As you can imagine, this was was a breeze for him.
How strong are you Carson?
Let's see...
Not sure where this move came from, but it sure is cute!
Doesn't he look like he should be on the side lines here?!?!?
This was an attempt at a posed picture. But as you can see, Carson was ready to move on to the next game.
This was pretty much the theme of the night...Daddy keeping his hands on Carson so he stayed near by and didn't cut in line.
Once again, Daddy holding on to Carson. He was ready to go!
Yup! I do exist. One of the few pics of me and Carson. I am usually behind the camera :-) I think Carson has my eyes, what do you think?? Man I love this 'lil guy!!!!