Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Haley Grace - Week 2

Our first few days home have been wonderful! Haley has pretty much earned the her nickname "Angel Baby". Fingers crossed it stays this way, she is so easy! She only cries when she is hungry or when she is getting changed. She has slept well at night, for the most part. She has a couple of wakeful times during the day and the other times she is in someone's arms, in her bouncy seat, or in the swing. And she continues to nurse well. 
Poppa has been and always will be the baby whisperer. He loves to hold babies. Here he is catching a snooze with Miss Haley.


Phillip and Christina came in town for the weekend to meet 'lil Miss Haley Grace. We were all very excited for their visit....

Carson especially!!! He loves his Uncle Phillip!!

 Carson will just have to adjust to Phillip's divided attention. I think he handled it pretty well. Phillip was multi-tasking here... a little Haley time combined with "Horsey time" with Carson.

Not sure what was going on here...looks like some deep thoughts :-)

Uncle Josh also made a visit over the weekend!
As you can see, Carson and Haley weren't spoiled at all :-)

The rest of the weekend was spent lounging around with plenty of adorable opportunities for photos.

Haley enjoying tummy time on the couch with Daddy

Carson shared his stickers with everyone

Momma and Poppa getting a few more moments with Haley
 Momma and Poppa left on Sunday morning after spending Christmas and Haley's birth with us. They were here for 19 days! We were so very fortunate to have them with us again at this very special time. They were so busy they just wore themselves out. Brian and I never cooked a meal, washed a dish, vacuumed the floor...etc. while they were here. It was wonderful! We are all still trying to recover from their departure.
Just had to snap this photo - check out that face!
  Ever since getting this Little Sister onesie as a gift for Miss Haley, I have had this photo opp in my head. I hope to get more...but here are a few cute ones :-)

Monday was a tough day for me as my parents had just left, Phillip and Christina went back to Houston, Carson went back to school and Brian back to work. I spent the day in my PJs and this was my view. I guess it wasn't so bad after all.

Thankfully Karen came for a visit on Tuesday. This is how we spent our time...Haley was so comfortable cuddling with Karen.

I could not resist posting this photo. This is how Brian found Carson in bed the other night. Doesn't he look like he is 5 here?!?! He is wearing 5T PJs in this photo. Looks like they may not make it through the winter!