Saturday, November 1, 2008

Carson's first Halloween

Mommy took the day off work and we joined Amanda, Finley, Laurel and Elle at Old Settler's Park for a Toddler's Fun Day.

Carson's favorite thing to do in his stroller....nap.
Then we went to Grandma Karen's house to show her Carson's costume. He had so much fun rolling around. Karen took some great photos!

Then we went to the Gordon's house for dinner and trick-or-treating. Carson was so cute while we were all out on the front porch snapping pictures before we went out trick-or-treating. He just sat there holding his belly...sooo cute!

Finley and Carson
Finley, Carson, and Leana

Daddy was so proud of his little monkey :-) Mommy took Carson to Daddy's work earlier in the day to visit him for lunch and show off his costume.
I'm ready to go trick-or-treating!
Miss Finley pushed Carson the whole time! She is going to be a great big sister.


Amanda said...

I have to admit, that is the cutest darn monkey and bee I've ever seen. We had so much fun. Thanks for joining us!