Sunday, March 20, 2011

Carson's 3rd Birthday Party

We had a fantastic time at Carson's 3rd Birthday Party!!! He is really into all things Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so that was his theme this year! I tried really hard to "tone it down" this year, but it is so hard to do!!! I just love parties, love throwing parties...especially for my kids!!! In fact, my Mom and I were already discussing Haley's 1st B-day party and she is only 3 months old. Ha!!!

Didn't this cake turn out great?!?! Believe it or not, I got it at HEB!
I could not resist these! Carson's picture was printed on sheets of sugar and laid over iced cookies. So fun!

Carson's 1st B-day Sign

Carson's 2nd B-day Sign

Too cute! Carson had more fun tackling this balloon than anything else.

Chow time

Carson and Austin playing baseball

We are ready to open presents!!!

Gotta love the face. This was as good as it got in terms of getting a smile for the camera.

Oh boy, I have a lot of explaining to do here... the Texas jersey was a gift from a die hard Texas fan (Thx Robbie!). AND - he got Haley a Texas cheerleader outfit as well. I said it was OK that they wear them just as long as it wasn't on a Florida game day. Although my kids bleed orange and blue, they are Texans.

This was Carson doing the Gator chomp while wearing the jersey. He knows what is good for him!
This video is so cute! Carson is saying thank you to everyone. And then I ask him if he wants to have cake. He has it in his head that you have to sing Happy Birthday before you have cake. Makes sense to me, right?!?! Well, his birthday party was on the 19th and his actual birthday is on the 27th. When we celebrated his birthday on the 27th, family and friends were calling him to wish him a happy birthday and to sing to him. Every time someone started to sing on the phone, he would start crying, "Its not my birthday yet. I don't have a birthday cake." We weren't having his cake until that evening. Ha!

Singing Happy Birthday wearing our mouse ears, of course!

Waiting with baited breath for the candy to fall out of the pinata!!!
Carson was getting a little confused with his pitching and hitting techniques. Check out this video where he lifts his leg before swinging the bat. Too cute!