Sunday, March 27, 2011

Carson's Stats - 3 years

3 Years Old!!!! 
March 27, 2011
Our little monkey has turned 3! You aren't our little monkey anymore, you are our "Big Man". That is what we call you these days and its every bit the truth. You are HUGE in every sense of the word. Literally, you are HUGE. But you also have a huge heart. You are such a lovely little boy. Everyone who knows you just loves you. You have a sensitive side that is very special.

Carson, you welcomed a baby sister recently and you are such a wonderful big brother. You have taken to your new role better than we could have ever hoped. Mommy and Daddy worked hard at making this transition as easy as possible for you and I think we succeeded. Haley has fit into our family routine quite nicely. You are so proud of her and love to introduce her to everyone. I love hearing you say, "This is my baby sister, Haley Grace!"

I found this quote recently and wanted to share it with you. It may not mean much to you now, as a three year old, but I do hope it holds meaning when you look back at this years from now.

 One Truth to Impress On the Mind of a Young Christian
“If there is any one truth I would gladly impress on the mind of a young Christian, it is just this, that God notices the most trivial act, accepts the poorest, most threadbare little service, listens to the coldest, feeblest petition, and gathers up with parental fondness all our fragmentary desires and attempts at good works. Oh, if we could only begin to conceive how He loves us, what different creatures we should be!”
-Mrs. E. Prentiss, Stepping Heavenward

 Your Mommy & Daddy try very hard to share the Lord with you and to show you His love. At three years old we can already see the love you have for Him. God has blessed us beyond belief. I pray that you will always walk with Him.


You are now measuring 41.25 inches tall and 41 lbs!! You have grown 4.75 inches in the past year and 1.25 inches in the past 3 months! You are wearing size 5 or XS boys shirts and 5T/ 5 boys shorts. You are almost out of toddler sizes!! We just purchased size 11.5 and size 12 - wide shoes! Your feet continue to be huge!


Carson, you are always coming home with something new to show us that you learned at school. You know your entire alphabet in sign language. You can recognize most letters of the alphabet. The Montessori method teaches sound recognition first and then letter recognition. For example, you can point to letters in a book and tell me what sounds they make before you can tell me which letter it is. You are working on writing your numbers and letters in class. You can easily count to twenty and beyond.
The potty training is still a work in progress but you have made huge strides. Mommy and Daddy just need to be a bit more consistent with you and I think you will get the hang of it!
Every week at school you learn something new in science, geography, history and music. You have been learning about the different continents, countries and their flags. You have also learned about different instruments, the sounds the make and different composers. And recently you have been learning the parts of a flower. Your school just had a gardening day where your class planted new plants and flowers in your garden for you and your classmates to take care of. We also bought a tomato plant and flowers here at home that you water.
You and Daddy practice baseball and golf techniques all the time! You are such a good listener. It is so fun to watch you!


You will pretty much each just about anything we put in front of you. Your favorites remain to be:
Yogurt Raisins
Green Beans
Chicken Nuggets

Chocolate Milk

You are still pretty much into the same things as you were 3 months ago. 
  • Firetrucks & ambulances
  • Golfing and baseball with Daddy
  •  You love to go outside and play golf with Daddy. 
  • Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
  • Singing to your favorite music in the car

  • Anytime you have something similar to Mommy and Daddy, whether its food, a drink, something we are wearing, you say, "Same!" It's so cute. 
  • You are repeating just about everything we say. But, of course, its the time we say something that we would prefer you not to repeat, we hear it loud an clear. 
  • Just the other day Daddy was getting a beer and you said, "I want a beer!"
  • A couple of new sayings you have now are: "Oh  my gosh" and "Come on guys"
  • You got into the habit of asking for milk right when we get home from school and before dinner. I would always tell you that you could have juice before dinner and milk after (because you love milk and would fill up on it instead of eating). And you finally figured it out! When you got home from school the other day you told me, "Ice Juice before dinner and milk after dinner."
  • You tell me all the time, "You beautiful mommy." Oh how that melts my heart.
  • I knew the day was coming, you ask "Why?" ALL the time. Even when it doesn't even make sense.
  • You know your sister's cry and I just love that! When ever Haley is crying at school, you tell your teachers and you are so concerned. You were napping one day and just before you fell asleep you heard Haley in the nursery crying. You lifted your head and your teacher came to you and you told her that your sister was crying. 
  • As your birthday approached you got lots of phone calls from friends and family, many of which wanted to sing happy birthday to you. You started to cry when they would start to sing because it wasn't your birthday yet. And on the day of your birthday you wouldn't let anyone sing happy birthday to you until your party that evening. I don't think you have grasped the idea that the day is your birthday and not the party.
  • You and your Daddy have a saying, "I go you go!" You and your Daddy are attached at the hip most times, especially on the weekends. You both love to say that to each other.
  • When you visited with your cousins recently you heard them saying "Uncle Brian" and you started saying it. You would also say "Uncle Daddy"
  • When ever someone touches your head you say, "Don't touch my haircut"
  • Everything is "beautiful" to you. You will say, "your hair is beautiful", "the sky is beautiful", "the flower is beautiful"
  • Your favorite saying of late is "I got an 'dea", for I've got an idea. It so cute!!!
  • And my ultimate favorite thing ever is that you always say "my best friend Daddy." Your Daddy is most certainly your best friend and I don't feel bad at all just being your Mommy. You and your Daddy have an amazing bond and I just love to watch the two of you. I just love it when you say, "Where is my best friend Daddy" while you hold your arms up with palms to the sky. Just too cute!!!

How sweet is my sleeping boy here?
I love sleeping photos! This was taken in January. Doesn't Carson look HUGE here?!?!?