Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Haley's Stats - 3 Months

 Three Months

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
~ Psalm 139:14

Life has changed quite a bit for you and Mommy this month. I started back to work on March 7th after 9 weeks off for Maternity Leave. You stayed with me at home the first week I was back to work and the second week your Mamaw and cousins Kolby and Ashley were here from Lubbock for Spring Break. After that, you started daycare on March 22nd (at 11.5 weeks old). You are going to the same Montessori school that Carson goes to. It is the only Montessori school in Austin that offers an infant program. The teachers there are great and were super excited for you to start. You went for half days the first two days and then stayed home for the rest of the week due to your first ear infection. Going back to work was tough but fortunately it was a phased transition. It would have been super tough for me to start work and for you to start daycare the same day. You started going full time at the end of the month (13 weeks old).

You didn't have a well check this month, however, you weighed in at 12 lbs 13 oz on March 28th when you went to the doctor for a sick visit.

You are are now wearing 3-6 month clothes and have moved into a size 2 diaper. You are still wearing your newborn shoes and even some of those are big on you! You have such little feet.

I came across your brother's stats recently and wanted to start a comparison of the two of you.

Carson - 9lbs 5 oz, 21.5 in
Haley - 7lbs 14 oz, 20 in

2 weeks
Carson - 9lbs 6.6 oz (55th), 21.5 in (75th)
Haley - 8lbs 4.8oz (55th), 20 in (55th)

1 month
Carson - 10lbs 6 oz (80th), 22.5 in (90th)
Haley - 10lbs 7oz (80th), 21.5 in (75th)

2 months
Carson - 15lbs 3 oz (>97th), 24.25 in (90th)
Haley - 12lbs 1.8oz (75th), 22.5 in (45th)

Unfortunately you have had minor to moderate congestion on and off all month and you were diagnosed with a double ear infection on March 28th (your 2nd ear infection). Dr. Ellis has advised that you see the ENT since its clear you are following in your brother's footsteps (chronic ear infections as an infant).Your brother had tubes put in his ears at 5 months old. Dr. Ellis fears you won't make it that long before you need them.

You are still a very easy baby and still love to sleep and eat. You have been more alert and playful this month. We love to talk to you and you try and talk back. You smile all the time now and I just love it! You still have a love for your hands. They are constantly in your mouth, whether its just one finger or all 5! You have started to enjoy your tummy time and play gym mats more. You will entertain yourself for up to 10 min. After 10 min you are ready for a change of scenery. You still love your swing. The swing is your happy place.

You are still a very good sleeper (our "angel baby"). During the day you sleep in your swing of which you absolutely love. You also sleep very well in your car seat. When its time for bed time you like to be swaddled tightly in your Miracle Blanket and laid down. We can lay you down awake and you put yourself to sleep. You sleep in the co-sleeper next to Mommy's side of the bed and no longer need the noise maker. The batteries died and Mommy was just too lazy to replace them. You are consistently sleeping 5-6 hours the first stretch and then 3 hours at a time there after. It is very rare that you wake more than once a night to feed.

You are still a wonderful eater. You have nursed extremely well from birth. You do spit up quite a bit though. You started day care this month so I pump every 2.5 - 3 hours while you are away. Pumping, packaging the milk, washing pump parts, defrosting & preparing bottles on a daily basis is exhausting yet very rewarding. I am so blessed that I have been able to produce what you need. I hope to continue for as long as I can. So far, you are exclusively fed breast milk. I was so concerned about you starting day care because you refused a bottle for so long. I started giving you a bottle around  2.5 months old but you hated it! We started a "bottle boot camp" in early March. I tried at least 4-5 different kinds of bottles. I spent as much as $10 on a single bottle that was specifically made for breastfed babies. You finally settled on the Playtex bottles with the latex nipples. You pretty much refused all silicon nipples. You had your breakthrough when Mamaw was here for Spring Break.We started you on the bottle during the work day and nursing through the evening and night routine - just as we would do it when you started at daycare. And finally, we succeeded!

3-4 am: Nurse, burp and diaper change. And right down to sleep again. This usually takes about 30 min.
6-7 am: Nurse, burp and diaper change. We all get up and get ready for the day. You move from the co-sleeper to the swing when we head downstairs for breakfast.
7:45 -8:15 am:  We leave for school. You are at school, with your brother, from 8:30am-5pm. You have been eating 3-5 ounces 3-4 times a day at school. You nap off and on all day. You have not yet developed a consistent eating/napping routine yet. I am sure that will come soon.
5-6:30 pm:  Mommy or Daddy will pick you and your brother up from school. You usually nap on the way home and stay asleep, most days, until after dinner is ready which is great! If you don't stay asleep I put you in your Bumbo seat so you can watch Mommy prepare dinner. We eat dinner as a family every night. You stay in your Bumbo seat and sit and watch us eat. It is so cute!!
6:30-7:30 pm:  This is our family play time, bath time and bed time. We usually play together as a family. We will go outside and watch Daddy and Carson hit golf balls, baseballs or play catch. Sometimes we sit and watch a baseball game, play puzzles or any other sporting activity your Daddy and brother are into at the time. You usually enjoy time on your play mats as well. Carson loves to have Tummy Time with you.  Then its time for bath time and bed time.
7:30-9:30pm: You fall asleep each night as you nurse (around 7:30) and sometimes will stay in Mommy's arms until after Carson goes to bed. Daddy and I will sit and watch our favorite DVRed shows. Then its off to bed for all of us. Once you feed for the last time around 9-9:30, you usually stay asleep for a good 5-6 hours. Yeah!!

Moments/Things I Don't Want to Forget
  • You started day care this month (March 22nd). The infant room is right next to Carson's classroom. Carson's teacher told me that he heard you cry during nap time and he shot his head up in concern. When asked what was wrong he kept repeating, "My baby sister is crying, my baby sister is crying..."
  • Your eyes are constantly roaming around. Its as if you want to soak the world in. I left you on the couch with your Daddy as I walked up stairs. You kept your eyes on me the entire time. I loved seeing you watch every step that I took.
  • I love to watch you on your play mat. There is a mirror attached above you and you just love to stare at yourself in the mirror. You will get your legs and arms moving and smile at yourself.
  • You love to be around people and don't mind being held by anyone. You were held by many people at Carson's birthday party and you enjoyed every minute of it. Your head is constantly on a swivel, watching the world go by.
    Here are a  few of my favorite photos from this past month.
    I just love how she always clasps her hands. So sweet!
    Here you are watching March Madness with Daddy and Luke. You look so tiny sitting with your Daddy.

    Carson just loves to play with you! Every time I put you in your crib he will go and grab his foot stool so he can look at you.

    Here you are in your Bumbo chair. You just love this chair! And so does Mommy!!!
    This was Mommy's first day back to work (March 7th).

    Here we are again, at work.

    Here you are at the doctor's office. I have tried so hard to catch you smiling long enough to take your photo.

    My sweet angel baby as she sleeps. You love your swaddle blanket.

    Pretty girl all dressed up!

    Family and Friends

    Mamaw and Haley
    Aunt Net (Lynette) & Haley
    Cousin Ashley and Haley

    Memaw, Miss Dina, Mamaw and Haley

    Uncle Josh and Haley
    Grandma Karen, Shelby & Haley