Sunday, May 29, 2011

May Rewind & Mother's Day 2011

I am still catching up on my posts (it's mid August and I am just now posting May, ha!). Here are a few photos from May.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day this year. Chris, Megan and Riley Russ were in town for a baseball tournament and they were here to share Mother's Day with us. It was great!  The kiddos surprised me with wonderful gifts that they made at school. I will treasure these forever! And yes, I have already started a bin that is filling up of all of Carson's art work. Its so hard not to save it ALL!!!

How cute is this!?!?!


They even made pots and potted flowers for us. I actually kept this alive for 2.5 months!!!
This is one cool kid!

Ok, I debated posting this, but its too funny not too! Needless to say, I DID NOT TEACH HIM THIS. I am sure you can figure out who did. I certainly hope he doesn't show this new skill to his teachers.

What a character!!!